
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snippets from our Christmas

We had such a merry Christmas.  We were blessed to have my parents here for the festivities.  Here's a few snippets from the last few days.

Auntie and the Grands x 3

Ethan, 6

Landon, 4

Morgan, 2

Shawn, Melanie and #4

The Tradition of Books for Gifts
Grandma Cessna and Emily

And now I leave you with another Cessna tradition:  Granddad reading to the littles. 
This year it was Morgan's turn.

And through it all the blessing of the birth of our Saviour rang clear in our conversation, our thoughts and our joy. 


  1. The book tradition is a big thing HERE, too! May the joy continue to bubble over as you reflect on the precious times you had and the reality of the Savior.

  2. What a lovely, lovely post, filled with Holiday celebration, family and love of Christ. Thanks so much for visiting me today. Happy New Year!
    xo Lidy

  3. I love your photos the B&W with the colour, they are beautiful!
    We love books too, the children all receive at least one in their sacks.

  4. Thank you for sharing your celebration with us. I hope you had a delightful Christmas.

  5. What a beautiful family! I enjoyed looking at your blog. Merry Christmas to you all!

  6. What a good looking family. Love the video of granddad reading - priceless. laurie

  7. Love the pics! Looks like you had a wonderful CHRISTmas!

  8. Great pictures! There is nothing better than family especially at Christmas! Thanks for stopping by my blog and enjoying the 12 days of Christmas!!!

  9. Love the pics, Hope it was a great Christmas

  10. Okay, Granddad looks like he is having so much fun! I want to be more in the moment like he is!

  11. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! What a wonderful family. I love Granddad reading. Our grandpa sent some books that you record their voice. He didn't send some to our kids, but we are going to request it for next year! What a treasure and you have captured yours!

  12. What a lovely Christmas you've shared with us. You've captured some precious moments, your photography and editing adds to the specialness. Blessings, Kim
