Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. ~W. J. Cameron
Oh my, is everyone else racing the clock to get everything done? I'm busy, but there's that undercurrent of excitement that makes me smile. I found myself singing Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow while I mixed up pumpkin rolls at six o'clock this morning. A little later in the morning, I went to the office; and as a typical day in the life of a two-year-old would run, Morgan crashed riding her bike but her daddy fixed her up with a bandaid. She bounced over to my desk and said, "My wegs all better now." Again, I smiled and thanked God for my three precious grandchildren, each so different, all so loving and sweet.
Melanie came in from her doctor's appointment, sick and having back pain, but with the joyful news from the doctor who said the baby was perfect. Another smile. Another praise. I filled my cart at the grocery store and the man at the checkout asked if I needed help. Assuming he was going to help me I said, "Yes." Instead he asked a lady to take my groceries out. I was embarrassed because she looked older than me (or at least what my perception of me is). She got her coat, hat, mittens...unloaded the bags...I hope she knew my "You've been such a blessing to me today" was heartfelt. As I drove away I was thankful for an abundance of food and a warm van.
So much to be thankful for--a husband who offered to get our groceries if I had not been able, a grandson's sweet giggling on our way to school this morning, a daughter who cheerfully helps scrub floors and move furniture, parents who are well enough to come from Pennsylvania to share in the blessings of Thanksgiving Day, the anticipation of seeing my sister...Blessings are everywhere and I feel like I have more than my share.

A young mother from church left me the sweetest note this week. Even with work, a baby (who just decided to crawl!) and much to tend to, I am amazed she took time to bless me.
My brother called me this afternoon to catch up. Another blessing. Through all the parts and pieces of my day, the peace that passes understanding, joy unspeakable and the love of my Heavenly Father fills my soul with thanksgiving.

You are certainly very blessed to have such a sweet family. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, and thank you for visiting House Revivals!
Thanks for blessing me with your blog!
Under His wings...sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me...Surely goodness and mercy (shall) follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Evidences of His goodness ALL over your life, Pamela! Wishing you and your family and blessed Thanksgiving Day.
I think I detect a huge heart here; a heart full of mercy. That leads me to believe your life must be filled to the brim with rich blessings ... and probably a few sorrows to boot.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving; and may it be a sheltering time like none you've ever known.
Hi Pamela-
Thanks for visiting my site and commenting on the baskets. The enamael tags are so easy to make. I am so happy I found the tutorial on how to make them. They make me :) too. Happy Thanksgiving.
My best- Diane
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