There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile. Zig Ziggler
I grabbed the mail out of the mailbox and there it was -- right on top -- a note from my niece in South Dakota. They are missionaries there -- so far from home, but with hearts of love for the American Indians. Oh what fun to get mail. And when I opened it, I discovered a "tuck-in." Pictures of my sweet grandniece and nephew.
I love to tuck something in my letters and cards. It's that "something extra." Sort of like apples on a sheltering tree. It's certainly not necessary or expected; it's just a tiny blessing added to the thoughtfulness of sending a card.
As you see from my picture, I use whatever I can find that's flat and will mail easily. If you keep the weight under an ounce you can still send it for a first class stamp. Two ounces requires sixty-four cents.
My mother often tucks an article about a writer, beauty, or daughters into a letter she sends me. Ray, a friend from thirty-six years ago still sends us newspaper clippings or a church bulletin with news he thinks we are interested in.
One day I opened an envelope and a newspaper article fell out. Our friend, Beth, tucked in a newspaper article about a Bedford fireman who was retiring -- one who was on duty when our Sarah went to Heaven. He had mentioned Sarah in the interview article, and Beth knew how special that remembrance would be to us.
This "something extra" idea isn't original with me. Long before I was born Paul told the Ephesians, "God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" We ask, He gives...then He gives a little more -- that something extra.
He provides money for a writer's trip to Florida, then prompts one of His children to give a bit more to buy writing books. He provides a job--then makes sure it's one you will love. You pray for peace and He sends it--with "joy unspeakable and full of glory" attached. You pray for a friend, and God sends such sweetness--not just for you, but for your younger sister as well. You ask for a publisher for your book--and they ask for a series of four. You ask for God to bless your daughters--and the blessing turns into something too magnificent for words.
God's little extras never cease to amaze me. I think I'm beyond surprise then I open one of His notes and a double blessing falls out. Many times the blessings are brought by my family and friends. I ask for rest and there's time for a nap... and a friend shows up at the door with a casserole. I ask for more time and there's a cancellation that provides it... and my daughter does my laundry.
When God asks you to be the "extra something," obey that gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit. He's fulfilling His promise to "abundantly bless." The next time you ask God for a need, just watch when you open the envelope -- there's sure to be a tuck-in, too.
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Ya know, with the computer age supplying convenience to whatever and most "ever" need a person would have ..I think we have lost the "personal" touch of is so easy to shoot an email than sending note cards. Although as you I create mind myself. I love photography and so I create note cards and stationery out of my pictures. Really enjoy reading your feels so peaceful...
This was a beautiful joybug said, it really does feel peaceful! That, I suppose, is God's little "tuck-in" right here within your blog post to us! :)
I remember when my mom used to send me cards and would put a photo or an article you remember the little "love is" cartoons from the newspaper? Occasionally she would send those which had a special meaning. The memory of it still melts my heart!
Thanks for the special reminder!
What lovely sentiments about keeping in touch with dear ones, and letting them know what a blessing they are to us. I've been remiss in sending out a cheery note or card over the last few years and I truly feel the loss. I really do have to get back in the swing of things. Thank you for the gentle nudge!
Thanks also for stopping by and following! I'm here, happily following back! I look forward to getting to know you better!
Peace and Blessings,
~Mrs B
What a sweet reminder to be more than enough - but a little something extra in people's lives. I love tuck-in's too! Emily Dickinson would tuck in flowers she had preserved in a flower press with the many hand written notes and poems she sent to those on her correspondence list. I think there is more joy in the preparation and send of such things than in the receiving.
Miss Kathy
The thoughtfulness of sending a REAL mail thank you or greeting card is truly enhanced by the inclusion of something extra.
The present age of e-mails is truly lacking.
this was such a beautiful post and I love the last line......hope you have a great Sonday today.
The handwritten has only become more special to me in this computer/texting age. I have really enjoyed these posts.
I too LOVE to tuck little things into my envelopes and almost feel guilty just sending a card w/out a little something in it. I love your ideas for "tuck-ins" you have a few I haven't used yet!
And aren't God's little extra's just wonderful --- been thinking about them since you last post and feeling blessed all over again at their remembrance. One of the simplest and yet meaningful ones to me has been a horn blowing as a friend passes by our place on a day I feel especially lonely. It never fails to cheer me up to think that someone I know is driving by and cared enough to "toot" a greeting!
I really loved this post. I never thought of God tucking in something special in addition to our answered prayer.. but He often does tuck in something unexpected, something more and a blessing.
Thank you for sharing this post.
Hi Pamela. I love this post. We should encourage the personal touch and go the extra mile. It makes a difference to the other person, but also to us.
God bless
oh.. so nice post.)
Love your blog.))
I now spend a survey of bloggers with such questions.
1. Why did you create a blog?
2. For whom you taking him? Want to be popular?
3. How long will it keep going?
I thouroughly enjoyed this...made me want to send a letter and tuck something into it...such a nice treat to give and a blessing to be able to send. I just loved this post.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!
This post is so beautiful. You illustrated God's love for us in such a wonderful way. We are so lucky to know Him, and we are so blessed to receive his "tuck in's"!
Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderfully uplifting post, Pamela! Thank you for sharing it. It has been a very difficult month for my hubby and me because the company he is working for had locked out their employees and with only one income, it has made it a trial. But over the weekend, good friends treated us to a dinner out and then a card with some money in it to pay some bills. What a blessing they have been to us! God's love was poured out to us through this lovely couple and today we just got word that the company Hubby works for is allowing them to go back to work tomorrow. So, we are very thankful for His blessings. Thank you for sharing your lovely post and for your visit too. Have a wonderful day.
What a great reminder: that when God does ask us to go the extra mile, He will bless us abundantly with all we need (and more) to fulfill the task. Thank you.
My mother is the best tucker-inner. In response to your comment on my post, no I haven't read the book you mentioned, but it sounds like something I would thoroughly enjoy.
Sometimes we get so busy and take things for granted and miss those God tuck-ins, this is a wonderful reminder to keep my eyes open for them! I enjoyed your comment as well, thank you for stopping by!
Wonderful post, Pamela! First of all, I'm encouraged that you received a little note from your niece in the mail! I just shared with my husband that more and more people are doing their communicating via the internet. Call me old fashion, but a personal note "tucked in" the mailbox from someone special is truly a reward!
I'm going to keep watch for God's little "tuck-ins," as well as give a few to folks along the way. Thanks for the reminder of how meaningful the little things are!
Tucking in a little something extra is a wonderful habit. I have received a lot of messages like this in my lifetime. Thank you for this encouraging post.
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