“Christ shield me this day: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me, Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me” (from “The Breastplate of St. Patrick”).
I love anything scented -- Yankee Vineyard candles, Ralph Lauren perfume, Mrs. Meyer's Lemon Verbena cleaner, Baby Magic. This week my house smelled like fall -- a fragrant mixture of apples, cinnamon and cloves. I had apple butter simmering in the crock pot. The aroma filled my home and made me smile.
Paul said, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing" (2 Corinthians 2:15).

I love anything scented -- Yankee Vineyard candles, Ralph Lauren perfume, Mrs. Meyer's Lemon Verbena cleaner, Baby Magic. This week my house smelled like fall -- a fragrant mixture of apples, cinnamon and cloves. I had apple butter simmering in the crock pot. The aroma filled my home and made me smile.
Paul said, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing" (2 Corinthians 2:15).
I had a father once tell me that he didn't like me to hold his son because he smelled like a girl afterwards. Hmmm. I want the aroma of Christ to so fill every pore of my being that everyone nearby smells like Him. And long after I leave their presence, the bouquet of Christ -- His sinless life, His willing death, and His living joy -- will linger to draw hearts and make them hungry to know Him.
So often the stench of gossip wrapped in concern, the foul odor of discontent, the reek of self-importance, the lingering stink of a judgmental attitude, or the deadly fumes of sarcasm permeate the air -- how many times do others leave my presence, holding the nose of their hearts? It's a daily choice. I want to leave the scent of holiness, of purity, and mercy and grace -- to leave behind the joy of a blessing, to offer ready forgiveness, to embrace the sinner, even if I am repulsed by the sin, and fill my heart so full of the love of Christ that it seeps through every pore of my soul.
What aroma are you leaving behind? It's impossible to shelter without the aroma of Christ. This song is my prayer -- "Let your sweet aroma fill my life."
Lily of the Valley, let your sweet aroma fill my life.
Rose of Sharon, show me how to grow in beauty in God's sight.
Fairest of ten thousand, make me a reflection of your light.
Daystar shine down on me; let your love shine through me in the night.
Lead me, Lord, I'll follow anywhere you open up the door.
Let your word speak to me; show me what I've never seen before.
Lord, I want to be your witness; You can take what's wrong and make it right.
Daystar shine down on me; let your love shine through me in the night.
Rose of Sharon, show me how to grow in beauty in God's sight.
Fairest of ten thousand, make me a reflection of your light.
Daystar shine down on me; let your love shine through me in the night.
Lead me, Lord, I'll follow anywhere you open up the door.
Let your word speak to me; show me what I've never seen before.
Lord, I want to be your witness; You can take what's wrong and make it right.
Daystar shine down on me; let your love shine through me in the night.
* * * * *
Easy and Aromatic Apple Butter
2 large jars applesauce -- one sweetened and one no-sugar-added.
2 cups apple cider
Cook in a crockpot for 12 hours or until spreading consistency.
You may add 2 cups of sugar or honey, but I didn't want the extra sugar and we also like a bit of tartness to it.
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Thanks! Great blog.
I was just out in the orchard and the scent of the Concord grapes was heavenly! Isn't fall just a feast for the senses? So many good points in your post! I especially like what you said about gossip. It's a personal peeve of mine. Have a lovely weekend and a blessed Sunday!
I love reading your posts -- you're so creative in bringing out truth!
Also love apple butter.... my mom makes it from scratch every year and always shares her goodies with me! Yummy -- one of my absolute favorite toppings on hot biscuits or homemade yeast rolls!
Yes, let others see/hear/even SMELL Jesus through me!
I sure like this Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir number. It's not one I was familiar with. I can listen to them by the hours!
"How many times do others leave my presence, holding the nose of their hearts?" I love it! Oh, God, make me sweetly humble...
Wonderful post, Pamela. I pray that I am a pleasing aroma that is representative of Christ - that which would draw people to Him and not away.
The recipe sounds delicious (and is easy). My dad always loved apple butter.
That has long been one of my favorite prayers, Pamela. And you have one of my favorite smells, too. . . apple butter.
I pray that I am leaving the sweet and eternal aroma of the love of Christ wherever I go. Thank you for such a lovely post. God bless.
Oh, Pam....I just loved this, loved this, loved this. I could reread it over and over and over, and reread it again!! This was so beautiful, and so perfect for me today!! This is the prayer and cry of my heart, to be His lovely fragrance to a dying world!! Your entire blog is the healing, desirable, attractive fragrance of Jesus ALL over!! That is why I love to visit here! Thank you for sharing this ~ much love ~ alice
Great message---thank you. For me, all the joy and wonder in the world are embodied in the scent of gardenia blossoms.
Such a needed and lovely reminder, what do we smell of? Christ, sweetness, or like you said, gossip, bitterness...
Have a blessed week,
Gayle from Behind the Gate
I have applebutter simmering in the crock pot right now! What a wonderful fall treat..
Yes, I want God to fill me, overflow out of me and spill all over everyone around me. Amen!
What a thought provoking post and a super easy recipe to boot! I have half a box of apples begging me to do something with them. Thanks for this post :D
the day here was amazing. We hiked int he woods and a few times were overcome with the most fantastic smells. Smells that lingered and soothed and awakened us. I want to be that....His aroma to the world. Happy Thanksgiving Pamela.
oh...and I really like this song.
The "...lingering stench of a judgemental attitude ..." - boy, once you've had a whiff of that one, you sure don't want to repeat the experience.
Good post. ...Marsha
Our attitudes definitely leave a trail; your post said it so well. Never made this recipe before, thank you so much!
Great post. Something to really think about.
This is such a beautiful post! Oh, how I would like to be a sweet-smelling aroma, too, that's pleasing to God and to the people around me and to those that I encounter - really my fervent prayer always!
Have a blessed week,
I had a nephew who never wanted us to change the sheets after we had slept in his bed when we visited. He said it was a comfort to have our "smell" on the sheets when he went back to his own room after we left!
Pam, you have a delightful blog. Blessings.
Oh, my goodness, Pamela. So much sweet aroma here! I'm closing my eyes and I think I can smell that apple butter. MMmmm! I think I smell Jesus in you too, sweet friend. Beautiful you.
Oh, thank you! Those words are such an encouragement, and go along well with the "soft voice" topic I was discussing on my blog. It really does make a difference!
The latest scent I really stopped and took in was a new perfume I donned this morning. Those pleasant smells do bring smiles.
I was blessed by the quote you started with. To be that wrapped up in Christ is my desire.
The song topped things off beautifully!
I love this challenge. It puts our actions in such tangible terms. Daily, I can choose how I will smell to others...
I love your blog, Pam! It is beautiful, artistically and spiritually!
"the nose of their hearts" -- ha, what a fun, memorable way to state something so deadly serious!
Yummy.. I cannot wait to try this recipe! and I love the thought you shared, "I want the aroma of Christ to so fill every pore of my being that everyone nearby smells like Him." - So powerful. That is what I long for too. Blessings!
Oh, I can almost smell those wonderful smells of fall. As wonderful as the early smells can be, there is nothing like the aroma of Christ. Thank you for sharing that with us too.
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