Raggedy Ann, Oh Raggedy Ann, My Sweet Raggedy Ann,
Here You Sit All Torn And Tattered,
But, You Were There When It Really Mattered!
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Clint and Krista with their Raggedy Ann Maddy |
Most of us are aware that the best part of owning a Raggedy Ann is the heart of love embroidered on her body. The "I love you" has been traced by tiny fingers around the world and has brought smiles on the faces of many little girls while cradling their own doll.
Raggedy Ann has ties to my state of Indiana. Author/artist, Johnny Gruelle, grew up in Indianapolis. Whitcomb Riley was a frequent visitor in the Gruelle household. Raggedy Ann’s name is a combination of Riley’s poems, The Raggedy Man and Orphan Ann.
Once you fall in love with a Raggedy, you are in love forever. Many of us have our childhood Ann or Andy sitting on a shelf, worn and tattered. Why do we keep them? I think it's the memories of all the times Raggedy Ann shared our lives -- the whispered excitement of new shoes, a longed-for gift and friends coming over for tea. It's also the memories of the childhood hurts we endured, clutching our dolls as our tears fell on her face. She was there when it really mattered -- sheltering us before we even knew what the word meant.
I'd like to be a Raggedy in a child's life. What would it be like to have a child trace my heart? I think for a child to accept us as readily as she did her Raggedy Ann we would need as much love. Just like they can look on the chest of their doll to be assured of a heart full of love, so they should be able to see that we love them.
It takes so little to show love to a child. Do you remember the troll babies with their bright spiked hair? My Grandma Cessna saved cereal box tops to get me one -- such a little thing, yet such a huge expression of love. She showed me love when I heard her pray for me before bed during my over-night stays, when I cuddled into her side while she was crocheting, and when she'd put her homemade [absolutely delicious] applesauce on the table. I traced her heart many times in many ways; I knew my grandma loved me.
Little girls love getting notes. My girls were blessed with notes from one of my friends, Judith. Most times they were accompanied with candy or another small gift a child would love. Emily still has special notes from DeLynda, her high school's secretary. She has traced these special ladies' hearts over and over. Eleanor, mother of Emily's best friends, has such a huge heart for teenagers. Those who attend her Sunday School class know her heart, and each of them would say, "I traced her heart."
When we moved to Muncie, Matilda told 8-year-old Emily, "You can call me Grandma -- I'm everyone's grandma." Right away I knew we could trace her heart.
I'm not sure if I've written about Steven Manley before. For Pastor Appreciation one year, members of our congregation chose one of the pastoral team to pray for throughout the year. Rev. Manley was the head of a large mission organization nearby and attended our church when he wasn't traveling. He chose Emily's name and it resulted in the biggest blessing of her life. This busy man wrote her letters, including stories about his childhood and encouragement for her to be all God called her to be. He brought her gifts from the mission fields he visited. The year ended, but not the blessings, as Rev. Manley continued his encouragement. He will never know the blessing he was, not only to a 7-year-old girl, but to all of us -- a beautiful picture of a big man stooping low. He was there when it really mattered -- we can trace his heart.

Emily's finger isn't as tiny as it was when she first began tracing hearts. It's grown, as has her own heart of love. It blesses this momma when I see her write notes to others, verbalize praise, and watch her gentle smile as she prepares for Junior Church or leads the children's chorus each Sunday. That's what sheltering is all about. It's a passing from generation to generation, a giving of love that is at once both intentional and automatic.
Who can trace our heart? It's not the big things we do. Raggedy Ann didn't cry "Momma," eat real baby food or wet her diaper like some babies. She couldn't walk or even close her black button eyes. But she gave love. She was there when it mattered. We could trace her heart. Find a child this weekend whom you can shelter -- share your love; and thank God when you feel a child tracing your heart.
I'd like to be a Raggedy in a child's life. What would it be like to have a child trace my heart? I think for a child to accept us as readily as she did her Raggedy Ann we would need as much love. Just like they can look on the chest of their doll to be assured of a heart full of love, so they should be able to see that we love them.
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Maddy's Gran (top left) made the Raggedy Ann costume and doll. |
Little girls love getting notes. My girls were blessed with notes from one of my friends, Judith. Most times they were accompanied with candy or another small gift a child would love. Emily still has special notes from DeLynda, her high school's secretary. She has traced these special ladies' hearts over and over. Eleanor, mother of Emily's best friends, has such a huge heart for teenagers. Those who attend her Sunday School class know her heart, and each of them would say, "I traced her heart."
When we moved to Muncie, Matilda told 8-year-old Emily, "You can call me Grandma -- I'm everyone's grandma." Right away I knew we could trace her heart.
I'm not sure if I've written about Steven Manley before. For Pastor Appreciation one year, members of our congregation chose one of the pastoral team to pray for throughout the year. Rev. Manley was the head of a large mission organization nearby and attended our church when he wasn't traveling. He chose Emily's name and it resulted in the biggest blessing of her life. This busy man wrote her letters, including stories about his childhood and encouragement for her to be all God called her to be. He brought her gifts from the mission fields he visited. The year ended, but not the blessings, as Rev. Manley continued his encouragement. He will never know the blessing he was, not only to a 7-year-old girl, but to all of us -- a beautiful picture of a big man stooping low. He was there when it really mattered -- we can trace his heart.

Emily's finger isn't as tiny as it was when she first began tracing hearts. It's grown, as has her own heart of love. It blesses this momma when I see her write notes to others, verbalize praise, and watch her gentle smile as she prepares for Junior Church or leads the children's chorus each Sunday. That's what sheltering is all about. It's a passing from generation to generation, a giving of love that is at once both intentional and automatic.
Who can trace our heart? It's not the big things we do. Raggedy Ann didn't cry "Momma," eat real baby food or wet her diaper like some babies. She couldn't walk or even close her black button eyes. But she gave love. She was there when it mattered. We could trace her heart. Find a child this weekend whom you can shelter -- share your love; and thank God when you feel a child tracing your heart.
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Raggedy Ann's Tea Party Cookies
Raggedy Ann needed some cookies for her tea party. I cheated big-time on these. I used Betty Crocker's sugar cookie mix -- which meant I only had to add a stick of melted butter and an egg. It doesn't say you can roll them out but with a bit of sprinkled flour they rolled out just fine.
While these are not the "best-ever" sugar cookies my sister makes, I thought they were good. Good enough I'm considering them for the annual Christmas cookie bake-off with the grands. I just mixed up some butter frosting, added a drop of red food coloring and sprinkles. I always buy my sprinkles at the end of the season, usually scoring them for 80% off. These were from Valentines Day and just so adorable.
The gift basket was from T.J. Maxx and was $3.00. All I had to do is change the ribbon and add a glass heart. So this little bit of shelter came in at at about $6.00. If you made the cookies from scratch you may be able to do it cheaper. There are many free or almost free ways you can package Sheltering foods. I used the basket as a thank-you for Maddy's momma for allowing me to use the sweet pictures. I don't think packaging needs to be expensive, and I know for many of you there isn't extra money for sheltering. Knowing you can make cookies for your family, reserving a few to shelter a child (and we all know when a child is shelter, so is her momma), makes it more doable.
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Love Raggedy Ann and Andy~ so much that one of my babies had it in their nursery and I now have it in a guest bath. I love this post even more though and will think of it often seeing my "raggedy" things. I was also reminded that while things may seem a bit raggedy, we can always trace God's great heart of love! Thank you!
This post made me smile! I remember my daughter's raggedy ann doll. She's 23 now and still has it, a little tattered and torn but deeply loved!
When our oldest two children were (maybe) 3 & 5, they dressed as Raggedy Ann and Andy for Halloween! Some of their favorite books were about the "Raggedies". (I still can't resist them if I see them in a thrift store for a good price.
You're so right about ministering to children, Pamela.
I enjoyed my visit here this evening. Have a blessed Lord's Day!
What precious pictures. I never had a Raggedy Ann but my sister did. How precious when we have children in our lives to love.
Dear Pamela, you are such a blessing to me! Whenever I read one of your posts, my heart beats stronger for it resonates within me. What an example Rev. Manley was! I think I'd like to do that in our community, write notes to children, make an impact on their life. Yes, we don't have to do BIG things, I guess it's more in the consistency. God bless you! Patsy from
Adorable pictures! I truly enjoyed reading your post. How special to have a child trace your heart!
Pamela, what a wonderful post. Of course, the memories of Raggedy Ann are sweet ones to me, but I an especially touched tonight by your image of "tracing the heart." What a beautiful way to describe the selfless, giving love that, as you say, is both intentional and automatic. Wonderful post!
Love Rageddy Ann, I wonder who made her up? Maybe a loving grandmother like yours (and mine) was. Now we enjoy watching out grandchildren expressing their love..and it does give a thrill.It must be sad for those children who don't have good examples. I too loved the tracing of the heart. Blessing CM xx
Thanks for your comments on my site. I'm looking forward to following your site. What a great post and even better pictures!
What a precious post! It made me smile all the way to the end. I have always loved Raggedy Ann and Andy. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day in Him.
Pam, this is beautiful. Thank you! Also, hank you for sheltering Maddy witg the heart sugar cookies, she LOVED it!!! What a sweet and thoughtful gift!! :) lots of love, Krista
Oh Pamela, this one brought tears to my eyes. The phrase "traced her heart" was so touching. Yes, it does much good to reach out to others with love - both for us, and for them.
I am reminded that because The One first "traced our hearts" with HIS Love, we are then enabled to love one another. He wasn't a superstar by the world's determination. But He gave love. And He was greatly moved by the hearts of children. May we be too.
Your little *alive* Raggedy Ann is such a sweetie!
Hi Pamela...this made me smile too cause I love love love these dolls. And that little heart and I love you is the best. Loved your post today....
Another wonderful post, Pamela! You have such a wonderful gift for writing and for seeing the lesson in the everyday. Thank you for blessing me with another one of your insightful posts!
I never had my own Raggedy Ann, but I made one for my daughter and two Andys for my sons. They are classics, that's for sure. I enjoyed the way you traced our hearts with your warm sharing. Thanks, Pamela.
Aww, Raggedy Ann is a favorite! Sure wish I still had mine from childhood!! Thanks for this post. =). Blessings!!
Thanks, Pamela, for the memories of reading the Raggedy Ann books as a child, and for the doll that waited patiently in the hospital bed when I had my tonsils out and brightened my spirits afterwards. Jesus loves the little children and we would be blessed to follow His example.
Love in Him, Laurie
Pamela, this is just such a wonderful post...tracing the heart with my finger...such a beautiful visual. The photos are so cute too,and I the heart cookies? Perfect.
Your Raggedy Maddy is just as cute as can be :). When my boys were small, I had a Raggedy Ann and Andy as part of their nursery decorations. I still have those dolls--can't part with them. I never had one as a child, but when I was expecting just happened upon them and they spoke to my heart. I think because of a lot of what you say here, Pamela. Tracing the heart...
Very sweet and fun post from a loving Grandma.Thank you for visiting me.-Denise
Very sweet and fun post from a loving Grandma.Thank you for visiting me.-Denise
What a beautiful post and my goodness, cutest raggedy ann ever! So sweet!
I haven't seen Raggedy Ann in years. My wife had Raggedy Ann stuff all over our daughter's bedroom when she was little. Thanks for the memory :-)
Thanks for your recent comment on My Blog
Take care and have a wonderful week :-)
First things first....
Thanks for visiting me! It truly feels like a gift when I see a comment from someone new! Please visit again.
I love Raggedy Ann. I had one many years ago. She was very loved by my kids!
Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!
I have a Raggedy Ann doll in the attic that is a bit loved. A family member made a life size one for my daughter when she was little but I can honestly say that she didn't care for it as much as I loved mine. Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving your encouraging comment!
Hello Muncie as new follower waves from Terre Haute! I have never owned a raggedy ann & andy or either by themselves. Never, strange now that I think of it. But, if I ever do, thank you for all the little bits surrounding their beginnings. How interesting.
I am having a GIVEAWAY if you would like to enter your name. It' ends the 15th so not much time!
Such a charming post, Pamela. Beautiful photos too.
What a great party theme ... sweet post too.
OH MY! What a flood of traced lvoe you brought back through yrou raggady Ann. I remember having one. I really dont know what happened to her. Im sure she gave me much comfort and love. I love how you pullded all this togehter in traced love of a heart we can all give. Thank you for this gentle remeinder of how easy it to touch another. Especaily a childs.
Many Blessings
Cutest Halloween costume ever. I had a Raggady Ann doll (Andy too!). I loved her. . .what happened to that crazy doll?
just an adorable picture...I want my heart to be traced many times in many ways...such a sweet post...
blessings from my heart...
You know, Pamela, I think you are the complete package and I am so blessed every time I come here. Perhaps my girls and I will have a Raggedy Ann tea party this weekend.
This was a sweet post. I loved my Raggedy Ann doll. I liked your thoughts about sheltering a child. What a fun thing to work on.
Blessings to you for your thoughts and ideas today.
Hello Pamela, Thank you for writing such a lovely post. I especially loved how you described your grandmother. Mine was beautiful like that too. I'm a new follower of yours on GFC and would love for you to follow me too. Blessings, Nona@gr8day2save.com
Visiting from the Wellspring. What a blessing to read your words about tracing others' hearts. I love Raggedy Ann, too; you're right, she teaches us it's the heart that matters most.
She made me smile of her red hair.
She's so freakin' cute!
A wonderful story full of love and beauty.
My Mom is having her co-worker make a Raggedy Anne for the baby we are adopting from Ethiopia. What a cool God moment to read this post and think of that special doll being made with love for my little Sissy <3
Oh how precious! I remember my Raggedy Ann with such fond memories. The tea party cookies are so gosh darn cute. Love it! :)
Cute post!!You have a lovely blog!!Kisses!!
Hello Pamela!
This little one is so very precious in her Raggedy Ann outfit! Such a sweet little face.
The basket of heart cookies is perfect!
So nice stopping by to visit with you!
Kindly, Lorraine
It's posts like this that makes me love the blog world (:
I gave my son (40 hrs old) his Raggedy Andy doll (that my mother had made for him) for Christmas last year.
Thanks for your sweet visit. I visited before, but for some reason my comments are not taking. I enjoyed your post.
What a sweet post! My aunt used to make Raggedy Ann dolls. Great memories!
I always love your posts--so sweet. :)
Okay, I'm feeling like a total blond because I had/have a Raggedy Ann and Andy doll and NEVER knew there was a heart stamped on them! We'll be at my Mom's house for Thanksgiving so you better believe I'll be pulling down my RA out of the playroom to look for that heart! How did we miss this? Maybe my Mom knows about this. She keeps them upstairs for all the Grandkids and Greatgrands. My little girl loves my old Raggedy Ann. Okay, I feel myself about to have RA issues over this. Ha! I'm kidding. But I just have to say that I have enjoyed reading through your blog in bits and pieces today. I look forward to reading more.
Pamela, what a delightful post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Adorable pictures of a cutie pie, and what a sweet sheltering gift idea!
When I was about 8 or 9 my cousin (a year older than I was) and I took tap dancing lessons together. One of the dances we did was a Raggedy Ann and Andy dance. Our mothers made us the cutest costumes to wear in the recital. I'm glad I have pictures of us in the costumes. I guess this is the main reason those little rag dolls are special to me to this day. Thank you for bringing back the memories.
Dear Pamela,
I was having so many problems with my blogspot, so I had to start again and transfer my blogs over. I hope you will stop by and follow me again. I am sorry for being such a pain. I am blessed by your friendship!
May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. God bless.
With love and care from Kerrie. xOx
What a delightful post! It brought back memories of when my daughter was three and dressed up as her favorite doll -- Raggedy Anne! She looked so much like tMaddy. Your tea party looked so wonderful. Thank you for visit and comment on my blog!
I have enjoyed reading your articles. It is well written. It looks like you spend a large amount of time and effort in writing the blog. I am appreciating your effort.
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