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The name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth; it nourishes, and
illumines, and stills the anguish of the soul. ~Angelus Silesius.
Choosing her children's names was important to Melanie. She read baby name books, made lists of first names she liked, created a separate list of middle names and matched them up with the first. She was careful the children's initials didn't spell a word and each name didn't lend itself to nicknames. Oh, how I love those names: Ethan Chandler, Landon Reese, Sarah Morgan and Camron Lucas.
Along time ago, other parents named their son Jesus. It's a name I love above the names of my grandchildren. The name of Jesus.

Jesus, name above all names
Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us
Blessed redeemer, Living Word
When Naida went back to the house, she sat at the piano and wrote it out. Then she asked, "God, is this okay?" She felt God's answer, "Yes."
In the years following, many sang these words, and often someone would ask Naida if she could add a couple more verses. "If God wanted more verses He would have given them to me. It's a love song to God--sing it softly, slowly and reverently."
How often I whisper the name of Jesus. I whisper it in reverence when I worship and in desperation when I need peace. I speak it with boldness when I am in need and with confidence when sharing Jesus with others. I'm looking forward to the day when every knee will bow in honor of the name of Jesus, this beautiful Savior, glorious Lord, Emanuel, God with us, blessed Redeemer, Living Word.
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11
Lindas crianças na foto e a escolha de nomes é um lindo momento! beijos,chica
Such a lovely hymn. We have often sung it, quietly and reverently in church.
How beautiful - the song and the story behind the song. :)
Wonderfiul post and amen to that:)
even as a Jew...His name brings so much peace to me....The name Jesus...it also brought freedom and joy.....thanks Pamela for this awesome message.
Thank you for the focus on Jesus, name above all names, He is my Shepherd, Master, and precious Friend! The Bread of Life, Pure Living Water, Strength to the needy, Life without end! Just had a time of worship!!
Oh how I love that song! Now it will be floating around in my head when I go to bed...love it! Love that verse too. This whole post just blessed me so...
Thank you for sharing the story behind the hymn.
Your family has a beautiful blog.
Showing the faithfulness of God to the generations of those that love him.
May you and your family have a blessed day.
In His Love,
I never KNEW the story behind that song (which - I just realize - I haven't sung for awhile).
Your grand-children's names sound so good together. It is good to give thought to names, I think...
Thanks for this story - always comes to my mind when I think on His name - the song that doesn't end . . . goes on and on my friend . . .
Sometimes when I'm too tired too pray and my mind is racing I sing to myself the old song, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there is something about that name...". I so enjoy your writing style.
Amen, Pamela! I'm so looking forward to meeting Christ in the air at the Rapture, to be followed by that glorious day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story behind the hymn.
Love in Him,
Hi Pam,
I grew up singing that song, and still go to it at powerful times.
re your comment, David is one of my husband's favorite biblical characters to study and teach on! :)
No, I haven't tried that kind of tea yet, but I love mangoes in general. Hmmm... thanks for the idea. :)
Your package of material came today. Thanks again! They look fun.
Jennifer Dougan
There is much to be said about a name. I loved how you tied the two stories together in this post. And I love the name of Jesus. :)
Such power in even his name! I wrote a post about this in a similar,but different way here: http://dkarambling.blogspot.com/2011/10/whats-your-servers-name.html
Love your post...so beautifully said!
Love this blog. And I like it to search names for the children. My husband and I got six children. The youngest: Ralph Amadeo. His last name means: being loved by God and he who loved God.
Greetings. (20:41 - The Netherlands)
Thank you - I have always loved that little song. So reverent.
Thank you for leaving me a comment and for following my blog. I am following you as well.
:) Hope
What a beautiful reminder that often, all we need to do is speak Jesus's name. Just to say his name - that is enough. And what peace it brings. Blessings to you!
I love studying God's names. When I am fearful to enter a new situation, I have been praying "Jehovah Nissi" meaning- God is my banner. The One who goes before. What Comfort and peace this brings!
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