Peter wrote,
Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.
Whoever wants to embrace life
and see the day fill up with good,
Here’s what you do:
Say nothing evil or hurtful;
Snub evil and cultivate good;
run after peace for all you’re worth (1 Peter 3:10-11).
It is these "be's"-- agreeable, sympathetic, loving, compassionate and humble -- where I answer the question, "To be or not to be?" For when I go through life with a chip on my shoulder, sarcasm on my lips, or a get-even spirit in my heart, I'm not living -- not "be-ing."
I don't want to go through the motions of living. I want my heart fully and intentionally engaged. I want my shoulders free for a friend to cry on, my lips full of praise for God and my mind ready to encourage each person I come in contact with.
My day's cup is turned upright, and I'm going to fill it up with good. My favorite verse for living intentionally is Ephesians 5:10, Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it. The next verse in Psalm 10 clearly tells us:
Here’s what you do:
Say nothing evil or hurtful;
Snub evil and cultivate good;
Run after peace for all you’re worth.

I'm just simply Pamela, but this woman is embracing life with intention. I'm letting the "be's" swarm around my heart. There's a smile on my face because I find joy in this intentional living -- this living of the good.
Beautiful post, Pamela. Such TRUTH.
What lovely words, Pamela. Thnk you.
Oh how I love those encouraging Bible verses - and that translation! Perfect for caregivers AND grandparents, that's for sure! I've saved it to my Evernote Bible notebook to meditate on. Thank you for the sweet reminder!
I love your post today. Let we all try to do that!
A lovely post Pamela!
A cheery post with beautiful photos and scripture. Thanks for all that you share. ~ Abby
Love the Woodward quote; need to print it and post it on the refrigerator. many thanks, Pamela.
This is beautiful! So encouraging! Love the verse you shared from 1 Peter 3:10-11. Thank you for posting. Thank you too for you comment on my recent post. Blessings to you.
Delightful post!! Very encouraging. Thanks for the reminder to be fruitful in our living for Christ Jesus.
Embracing life with intention. I like that and 'I'm letting the be's swarm my heart.' Perfect. I'm in too!!! thanks for a great read.
What an inspirational post this morning. My motto too. To be a woman God intended me to be:)
I think there are times when the business of our lives distract us from giving and sharing ourselves with others, but when we do give love, patience, and compassion it results in an experience of joy, peace, and caring! It feels much better to "be" than "not to be"! :)
Wonderful post Pamela,
Oh I love this! I love it a lot!
I like that, Pamela: Intentional Living!!
Hi Pamela,
I have an ongoing contest in my blog titled letter to God. My purpose is to bring glory to God. To give him the focus and to let the participants pour out their hearts to God. This could inspire the readers. Hope you join too.
Words to live by & lovely post. Thanks for your recent visit I hope to see you again soon.
May I "be" the same. Thank you!
I love the love and encouragement in your words, Pamela. I want to join you with that cup held high!
SO moving and beautiful!
Well, I for one feel more peaceful after reading your post. :O)
Really inspiring.
Great thoughts Pamela, such great insight :)
Dear Pamela
As I was reading your words I realized how often we think those ugly things of ourselves! This is where I have to be so careful! Visiting via Jenn's.
Pamela, thanks so much for this beautiful, encouraging post! I love the Woodward quote... I 'll have to remember that one! I really appreciate the scripture and beautiful pictures! Well done!
Thanks for visiting my site today!
Blessings to you ~ Mary
Oh hurrah! I am inspired. I see you running across my lawn, and I'm going to do my best to run with you!!
Thanks for the wonderful words you always send my way. I do indeed find *shelter* here...
It is a choice, every day. Thank you for this encouragement to "be" the way God wants us to be. I'm inspired by your words, and I really love the image of you dashing across someone's lawn! You make me smile.
Goes right along with my words for this year -- "love is kind." I've already found MANY opportunities to practice those words -- intentionally!!
This is a wonderful post; as yours always are. I was very convicted, because I have not be very nice this week, and I want to change my attitude. The verses that you chose tell us what to do, instead of what not to do. Thanks!
Kathy M.
Wonderful and beautiful! My day's cup is turned upright, and I'm going to fill it up with good. Love it! We do have a choice don't we? Thanks for linking up with me, it's good to have you.
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