Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shine On

Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it. ~A. W. Tozer

They are tucked away in a small publishing company in Overland Park, Kansas. These women have worked at Herald and Banner for years, are well versed in operations and systems, and bring a huge amount of collective experience to the table. I am the new girl on the block, so you can imagine the list of questions I proposed during an executive meeting earlier this week. Within their answers to my questions, I found a special element that warmed my heart.  These ladies had the shine. It's the shine that says they love their ministry. It's not just a job to them. It's about the ministry and even more, about the God they serve. 

Their shine stayed with me as I drove away. It pulled at my heart as I reflected on my own project with the company. Was it just a job? Or did the joy of the ministry shine? My heart's desire is to present the Bible to children so the words dance from the pages and lodge into their hearts. 

It's wonderful when we can love our careers.  But to embrace a philosophy that shines with love for the ministry component takes it to a whole new level. As we make decisions on layout, color and elements to be included, I want to keep my heart filled with the pictures of children, around the world, falling in love with God's Word. 

What shines on your face? Are you tucked away like Arlene, Shirley and Connie, yet shining with the joy true ministry? Ask God to give you a mental picture of what He can do through the work He has given you. Go and Shine!

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SuzyQ said...

Yes, Pam, Those three ladies do shine with the joy of their duties.
But, my sweet friend, you do as well. I wish I could glow like you do all the time! You are such an inspiration, and I am sure the children who read and receive your work will be blessed indeed!

Rebecca said...

I'm pretty sure YOU are a "shiner", too, Pamela! Congratulations on your project. As I write, I pray God's blessing on every single step -- from thoughts and ideas, to words on a page (or screen), to editing & publishing, through teacher/parents & straight to the hearts and minds of the children! ♥

Aritha V. said...

Thanks PAMELA. I love it tro read. You are a belssing in the blogworld.

Anita Johnson said...

Something to think about on this cold, gloomy day in Wisconsin. Does God shine through me?

Sharon said...

What a wonderful project. And I think you're just the perfect person to be part of it! Shine, dear Pamela, shine.

I'm praying that what shines through me right now is JOY through sorrow, strength in the midst of sad circumstances, and peace beyond all understanding.


Joy said...

I would love to shine for God for his glory:)

Inspired By June said...

What a wonderful project you are involved in, Pamela! As a new Aunt (my niece just turned 2yrs old), I look forward to seeing the finished project!

Lisa notes... said...

I love your attitude, Pamela. It's not enough to just do a "good job"; it's much better if we can remember our purpose for doing a good job. I'm glad you embrace your work as important and meaningful because it is.

Ceil said...

Hi Shiny! I hope I shine, but who knows? I think if we all work at what we love to do, then the shine just comes. To do what we are called to do (and you know it when you love it!) is the best thing of all.

I hope you continue to enjoy the things you love, including writing on your blog. You shine on many more people than you'll ever know.
Happy Monday!

Lyli said...

Pamela, He is shining through your words here. :)

Sandra @ Sandra's Ark said...

Hi Pamela, just thought I would have a wee look at your blog after I saw your comment on mine. Looks like we have quite a bit in common so I added you to my circles and I just don't understand how I hadn't found your blog on some of the blog hops before. Sandra @ Sandra's Ark

Unknown said...

This sounds like a wonderful experience. What amazing ladies they are!

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Shining for God's glory - that is what it's all about- thanks for the reminder!
Lisa :O)

Kath said...

I would surely like God's glory to shine through me :-)
Blessings :-)

A multi-dimensional life said...

Your words "dance from the page and are lodged into my heart" Pamela! I love the way God brings people in and out of our lives for various reasons at just the right time. The word that keeps popping into my head today is "shine" and then I decided to stop by here and wouldn't you know... :)

I've missed reading your joyful words of inspiration. You shine!