Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15
Christmas in my childhood home was celebrated with joy. Well, after the tree was up (and lighted), the joyfulness began. Baking and wrappings and secrets galore abounded.
Our favorite evening of the season was the night Daddy went shopping for my mother. There would be a big stack of Brody’s Department Store under the tree when we woke up Christmas morning. Daddy would tell us (and Mom) what was in each box. The trouble was, it could be exactly what was in the box, or it could be totally different.
The morning after Daddy’s shopping trip when I was ten, we woke to find a huge box under the tree. On top was a note written by Daddy: “Dottie, do not touch. This means YOU.” He told us we weren’t allowed to touch the box either. We couldn’t wait until Christmas for Mom to open it. There were days of discussion as we imagined what was in the gift.
On Christmas morning, we were giddy with anticipation, ready to watch Mom open her gift. But when it was time for my sister, Melodie, to open one, Mom pushed that huge box towards Melodie. When she opened it, she discovered a much-longed-for accordion. I have no idea what I got that year for Christmas. And in my mind that gift stands out as my favorite gift ever – and it wasn’t even mine.
This year, my favorite gift wasn’t mine either. My kids spoiled me rotten with a stack of beautifully wrapped gifts. RB whisked me away for an overnight stay (this was the year for in-laws’ Christmas Day). But my favorite gift this season was the tiny baby placed in the arms of a couple who have waited long for a child. Each picture posted on Facebook makes me smile and pause to thank God for the gift that wasn’t mine.
When I think of the greatest gift, the gift of Jesus, I think of Isaiah, Simeon, Jeremiah, and others who waited long for the Messiah. Yet when the gift came, it WAS mine. It is yours, too. My friend, Janene, sings these words so beautifully:
He gave the greatest gift of all
When He gave Jesus
He sent the greatest gift of love
Wrapped in His Son
He brought us hope
When we had nothing left to hope for
Redemption's story had begun.. (Jane & Jon Sherberg)
The gift of God’s Son, a gift we can’t imagine giving, wrapped with the ribbon of God’s love was a gift for all mankind. Born in a stable, this gift was the King of Kings. He was Emmanuel – God with us. Far more than the gift of an accordion, even far more than the gift of a Twenty-first Century baby boy, is the greatest gift. Open your hands and heart to receive God’s gift.

My favorite gift this year was the gift basket (full of beautiful things she knew I'd like) my daughter made for me using her own money to purchase things! She was more excited about giving gifts to her Daddy and me than getting her own! Priceless!!
Such a beautiful post! Loved it.
Pamela, your daddy sounds like he *lived* the Christmas spirit! What fun! And what a tremendous surprise!
What I love most about this post is your portrayal of a moment when joy came because of another's joy. And my heart also swelled at the gift of a child for that dear couple you know!
Yes, The Gift is something that I didn't deserve. But lo and behold, in that stable so very long ago, and later upon that Cross, there was a present that had my name on it.
"Sharon, this is for you..."
Each one of us has been offered that gift. And when we receive it, our joy is complete.
Happy New Year, Pamela - can't wait to journey through 2016 with you!
Beautiful, Pamela! The story threads you weave together create an even more beautiful story! Wishing you blessing in the new year!
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