The best of all gifts under any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hills
Many of us are fully aware of the differences between men and women. Take this scenario: A man does not get excited about shopping for things he needs let alone just something extra and fun. A woman does get excited about just the necessities, and anything above or beyond that is glorious. Let's say you needed a shirt. I am sure in the end you might have purchased the shirt, and possibly a matching skirt and beautiful shoes to complete the look. And maybe a purse... You see, women get wrapped up in every detail of what we are doing at that precise moment.
Melanie speaking at Woman of Worth |
promise that I wouldn't get her a fancy gift. And I didn't." Oops.
Now, I understand, not every woman is the same. But what I am trying to point out, is, that no matter how many different types of women we have right here, we all enjoy something well thought out, crafted carefully, and displayed beautifully.
You might ask, "What if I enjoy looking at a beautifully wrapped gift, but have no desire to have more glitter on me when done wrapping than on my freshly wrapped gift?" Or you just might not be as creative as your friend. You feel like Leslie Grimutter who said, "Sometimes imagination pounces; but mostly it sleeps soundly in the corner, purring." So what kind of ideas are out there for me?
Glad you asked! I have some store-bought wrap that is more expensive and also some inexpensive -- who says beauty needs to cost a lot? All you need is your mind. Listen to what Dr. Seuss wrote in his book, Oh, the Things You Can Think. "Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think if only you try!"
Do we need expensive wrapping? Did Jesus come into the world with the whistles and the bells and trumpets announcing His arrival into this world? No, He was lain in a lowly manger bed. So simple, yet so elegantly planned and just right.
So you ask, Why go to all that bother? Hang on. God also enjoys beauty. After all, He was the One who created the world and all that is in it. Take this scene: After Jesus was finished suffering for our sins on that cross, God chose to make a beautiful eye dazzling production--in the form of thunder and lightening. Talk about catching your attention!

oh, so true! and isn't it FUN being female? Thank you for your kind comment on my acorn wreath, I appreciate it! I will follow your blog too!
Oh how insightful! Yes, it is amazing all the differences in men and women. I loved the post below too. Very much the insight I live by for our marriage. Smiles.:)
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