It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest. ~Orison Swett Marden
November is quickly coming to an end. This afternoon was spent wrapping up Thanksgiving decorations and pulling out Christmas. I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with well, thanks giving. I was thankful my parents were visiting from Pennsylvania. We all went to The Mansion for our Thanksgiving Dinner; since Melanie and her family spent Thanksgiving with Shawn's parents, we opted for dinner out. I did bake a turkey at home for supper sandwiches.
My final gift of Thanksgiving was to our neighbors. They have a summer garden that could come out of a magazine. All through harvest time they bless us with their bounty. Peppers, potatoes, green beans, etc. She even shared her cantaloupe jelly. I purchased Family Life Today's, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember. The book has read aloud stories of Thanksgiving and in the back is space to record your gratitude list from year to year. It also has a CD of praise and worship songs. RB wrote our appreciation on leaves I attached with raffia. The book is $9.99 through Family Life Today.
Throughout our Thanksgiving Day, these words kept running through my mind,
As this beautiful season (my favorite) is ending, I'm asking God to keep me mindful of my blessings, sharing the gratitude with others, and most of all, serenading my God with daily praise.How can I say thanks
for the things you have done for me --Things so undeserved,Yet you give to prove your love for me?The voices of a million angelsCannot express my gratitude.All that I am or ever hope to be --I owe it all to Thee.

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