Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now. ~Saint Teresa of Avila
If you go to Peyton Manning Children's Hospital's website you can read their mission statement: "Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable." If you visit the hospital you will experience their mission statement in practice.
This week my {great} niece had surgery. Maddy is an amazing three-year-old. Born with Spina Bifida, Maddy has had numerous surgeries -- pokes, prods and necessary ouchies. When I walked into her room before surgery, she was sitting up, smiling at everyone. Maddy's children's pastor was there to pray with her. The nurses are incredible about visitors -- just doing what they need to around everyone -- cheerfully and gently.
When it was time for Maddy's surgery, a nurse blew bubbles for her -- Maddy loved them. She blew us kisses and left without a whimper. Barely before we were settled in the waiting room, an aide stopped by to tell Glen and Pam that Maddy had chattered the whole way to the operating room. These extra touches mean a lot to a mother and father. From the aide who continued to update us to the one who delivered Maddy back to her room, they were cheerful and kind. It was amazing how many touched her life in those twelve hours -- each one as gentle as the first.
Maddy's peppermint stick casts had everyone smiling. IVs were hooked up, temperature taken, and the only time Maddy fussed was when they took her blood pressure. And then -- visitors. Pilots for Kids were conducting a hospital-wide visit. They talked to Maddy, gave her a gift bag full of fun things, and even posed for pictures.
The people who touched Maddy's life Wednesday were indeed "rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer." They were the hands of Jesus. I felt as if, like Jesus, they tied a towel around their waist and gently washed Maddy's feet. They blessed Maddy, just as Jesus blessed the little children brought to Him. Gentle, kind and hands-on -- I want to touch others Peyton-Manning-Style.
Read Pam's post on Sheltering Families with Special Needs
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I had no idea about Peyton's hospital - both ministry and service.
I agree with you - I want to touch others Peyton Manning style.
Then there is the {great} auntie who is there {cheerfully} for every surgery, which not only shelters the niece and the great one, but also the Granny who wishes so much she could be there too.
Thanks for sheltering us.
Maddie is beautiful. You are blessed. And---you already touch others in a very meaningful way thru your blog. Thank you.
I had not idea either of this hospital. What a touching story to share and what a blessing it is to know that GOd's people are at work sharing their love and care so well with little ones in need. Beautiful!
I had not idea either of this hospital. What a touching story to share and what a blessing it is to know that GOd's people are at work sharing their love and care so well with little ones in need. Beautiful!
I totally agree with Clint...Maddy is beautiful and a little trooper and you Pamela...totally inspire.
What a lovely post; I loved it.The quote is awesome and the pictures sweet. I have a granddaughter with a rare disease that was in Primary Children's hospital for 5 months and there were wonderful angels there ministering to her as the Savior would.
Blessings to you and thanks for an inspiring post today.
Beautiful post about my sweet niece (and her parents). Glad they experienced such sheltering care from so many people.
Beautiful post! Love my Maddy and love you, Auntie!
What sweetness in a place of needs and ministry! Thanks for letting us in on a family event that highlights special agents who are doing an awesome job of service. I like how you compared them to Jesus girding himself with a towel and washing feet.
Blessings to you and Maddy and her family.
Your niece looks so sweet. I'm glad she was well taken care of. Blessings this Christmas season, Kim
Pam, wow, thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Wonderful! Love to hear about people ministering to children with special needs. And that candy cane cast is precious!
Aw! I'm so glad the Lord watched over your little Maddie and she came through with flying colors! Merry Christmas Pamela!
There is always beauty in ashes when we seek the Creator.
beautiful story of living the faith... great faith to the little one's family
What a beautiful story...so glad everything went well!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Father God, You know the trappings this time of year. You know how easy it is to fall into the ways of the world. I pray that You would send Your Holy Spirit upon your servant so that they may be enraptured and consumed by You, this day and every day. May she feel and know Your presence in her life. May she be swept up in a dance with You. Amen.
Oh, what a beautiful thing these people are doing and how beautiful Maddie is! She sounds like such a special little girl. So thankful for places who give these special touches in their care. Beautiful post, Pamela.
Oh, amen. I want to do this, too. Especially when other people seemingly get in my way, may I be happy and joyful and move around them with love.
Your niece is beautiful, and so are the folks who are so tender and loving with her. Thanks for sharing their story. Blessings!
As a mother of sons - it is wonderful to see men who walk Christ's walk! Pilots, too! It is a beautiful thing when people love at home and at work. Wishing Maddy a speedy recovery from her surgery and a very Merry, Joyful Christmas!
Wow! What a blessing.
hope Maddy is doing well!
I love her cast. So beautiful and such a conversation-starter and smile-maker. Blessings on those who minister!
her cast looks like socks... cute socks. she's very brave and she's beautiful!
Maddy - what a precious gift from God. She is beautiful, Pamela - simply beautiful, inside and out. And I just loved the way you shared some of her story with us. She is a very brave little girl - and I am so glad that there are good people in the world who still understand that *healing* entails much more than just ministering to physical needs.
There is a healing that takes place when hearts meet other hearts.
(I had no idea that Peyton Manning was involved in this hospital. Good for him - giving back)
If I don't talk to you before, I wish you and yours a very Merry CHRISTmas, and a truly blessed New Year!
Thank you for sharing this delightful post. It How wonderful it is to hear about hospitals like this. What a precious little girl your Maddy is. Thank you for sharing her with us. It has brightened my day.
Just dropping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This is a better-quality article as they all are. I make fun of been wonder wide this an eye to some beat now. It’s great to receive this info. You are fair and balanced.
This precious child is an incredible encourager. I wish her well. I knew the entire Manning family is involved in so many wonderful causes. This is a great one! Thanks for the beautiful story. Hugs and Blessings Anne
I could tell that we’re on the same interest and obsession. Good to know someone I could share my ideas. Looking forward to know and learn some more from you. I'll be glad to share my own thoughts to you soon. Thank you for sharing such valuable articles. More power!
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