Sunday, February 24, 2013

Less Worry, More Trust

Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which will never happen. ~James Russell Lowell

Photo of Morgan by Kayla Graf

In  my quest this year for less of me and more of God, I've come to realize I need less worry and more trust.  As a young child, I sang Ira D. Sankey's hymn, "Trusting as the moments fly,Trusting as the days go by; Trusting Him whate’er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all."  

While I have head knowledge of what trust means, I've found my heart houses a lot of worry. John McArthur said, "Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God, and yet it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other." 

Photo of Morgan by Kayla Graf

In praying about my lack of trust, God revealed to me the reason for my lack of trust.  I have allowed the promises of God to become commonplace.

God has given me over 3,000 promises in His Word.  Peter describes God's promises as exceeding, great and precious. This tells me that I should treasure each one. By allowing them to become commonplace, I begin relying on my own strength, committing the sin of worry.

There are three ways I will be increasing my trust in God.

First, I will underline every promise I read in the Word. The promise that God will supply my every need.  The promise that God will go before me and make the crooked places straight.  The promises of rest when I'm weary, refuge in trouble and peace in the storm.

Photo of Morgan by Kayla Graf
Second, I will personalize God's promises.  "I will fear you, Lord, and turn away from evil. Then I will have healing for my body and strength for bones" (Proverbs 3:7-8).

Third, I will pray the promises.  F. B. Meyer said, "Though the Bible be crowded with golden promises from board to board, yet they will be inoperative until we turn them into prayer.

"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over" (Psalm 12:6).

This is my benediction:
I will not worry about anything; instead, I will pray about everything. I will tell God what I need, and thank him for all he has done. Then I will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything I can understand. His peace will guard my heart and mind as I live in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).
Linked to
Charlotte for Spiritual Sundays
Jen for Soli Deo Gloria
Laura for Playdates with God


Beth said...

Thank you for this post!

Marilyn said...

Perfect message for me, as lately I know I have been worrying and fretting, and I usually am not that way. Thanks.♥♫

joy said...

Beautiful. I always use scripture when I pray to be sure that I pray in line with God's words.
Bless your heart Pamela for this enlightning post:)

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

This is something I am having work learn also. Thanks for sharing- it was very encouraging! Lisa :O)

Virginia said...

Your words are always so beautiful. God bless!

Renee said...

I truly needed to hear this today. I love the idea of making God'sword promises personal.....I will trust....I will lean. I will come to you when weary..
Renee from
Adventures in Faithful Living

Rebecca said...

I KNOW your heart will be strengthened by His grace and your resolve. The Word of God IS our sword & it is with the shield of faith that we can repel the fiery darts of the wicked one.

I ♥ that song! "Even when my faith is small....."

Pom Pom said...

Great post, Pamela! I've been loving Jesus Calling. It's a book and an app. So personal, so scripture-based.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Excellent post, Pamela; I've been focused on the promises of God lately and writing them down, using my name for the pronouns. It's helping me keep my eyes upon Jesus and don't we all need more of that?

Elizabethd said...

It is so easy to allow worries to loom large in our minds.
Thank you, a beautiful post.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for this precious post. It was a good and gentle reminder not to worry - to just rest in God's Hands. This was a blessing!


Annesphamily said...

We all need to rest in God's Hands! I would like to ask for prayer. My co worker Jessica's husband has a boss Harvey who is on life support. He is in his forties with a wife and family. Had pneumonia and took a terrible turn for the worst. Please pray. I am down with the flu and I have begged God to spare Harvey's life. I will suffer thru this if the Lord will spare Harvey. His family needs him. Thanks for praying and thank you for the lovely thoughtful post. It was just what I needed. Blessings, Anne

Lynda said...

Excellent post - - good teachings and reminders for all of us.

Nell said...

I love your benediction, I too could make this my prayer.. thank you
blessings Nell

Sharon said...

Ah yes, the bane of worry. I also struggle with this...very much. Love what you had to say, especially the part about personalizing Scripture. I have found that to be very powerful in my life.


sherry said...

Thanks for this timely post. It was beautiful and just what I needed today.

Judith said...

Thank you for this sweet post, Pamela. And thank you for the email reminding me to linkup. I haven't been to your blog in way too long and when I stop by, you always bless and encourage me to keep on. I appreciate the reminder not to worry tonight.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

This is beautiful, Pamela and the concrete steps that you spelled out are very helpful. Taking the promises for granted, over time, certainly does happen.

"Restore unto me, the joy of my salvation, renew a right spirit within me."

Kathy M.