Louisa May Alcott said, "We gather simple pleasures like daises by the bay." What is a simple pleasure? It's a tiny, inexpensive thing that brings a satisfying joy.
A simple pleasure is:
Blueberry tea in your favorite cup
The inspiration of a new tablet
Starbucks gift cards
Rice bags
Strawberries on top of your favorite cereal
I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder
It's tempting to think of big things as the true treasures--like the elegance of the resort instead of the pewter ice bucket. I want to remember the moments--the simple pleasures of this week and next.
Hugs from four grands
The promise of 12 sleeps in the {warm} south
Mile after mile with my favorite person
Orange juice at the Florida welcome center
Keeping in touch with the girls.
78 degree temperature
Facebook chats with my sister
A book too captivating to put down
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
Pink soap at the rest area
Brainstorming a new project
Reading to RB while he drives
Heart-shaped flower bed bursting with color
Birds singing
As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness -- just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breathe it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us nourishment; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm. ~Laura Ingles Wilder
The psalmist David said, "Thou has put gladness in my heart" (Psalm 4:7). These simple pleasures are gifts God has planted in my heart. I'm treasuring them, and my heart runs over with gladness.
What simple pleasure is God planting in your heart?
* * * * *

On this Valentine's Day my husband is on the other side of the world--literally, but I had a delicious homemade granola and strawberry breakfast and opened a thoughtful present from him and a loving card he left for me before he traveled 2 weeks ago. My grown up kids in town and I are having fun being each other's secret Valentines and my kids love each other and their father and I. These are the simple--perhaps not so simple--pleasures I am enjoying today.
Thank you for this beautiful post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading the quotes and I especially liked the 4th one by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I hope you have a blessed Valentine's Day :)
Hi Pamela! Happy Valentine's Day to you too. You are so right, about how the simple pleasures are the best, and how being aware of and grateful for them are a key to happiness. I love how you quoted Louisa May Alcott and Laura Ingalls Wilder in this post too.
Thank you for hosting Share the Shelter for us.
Kathy M.
So beautifully said! I totally agree, hence the name of my blog "simple pleasures"
Praise God for everyday blessings! Thank you for the beautiful post & for hosting, & God bless!
Simple pleasures - yes, they are the best. And I believe that we need to keep our eyes open for these blessings that sometimes we take for granted.
Today's simple pleasures for me?
A loving husband, sitting right next to me on the couch in front of a fire.
A good book - and the Good Book!
A beautiful sunny sky shining down on a snowscape.
Friends like YOU!
GOD BLESS! And Happy Valentine's Day!
The quotes are wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day!
Simple things--so special! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Hi Pamela, thank you for sharing. Hugs.
Hi Pamela, thank you for sharing. Hugs.
Beauriful encouraging words:) eyeopening. Stop, look, listen, smell and taste :)
I love simple pleasures, too. Enjoy your time in the sun.
Yes...the simple things in life! It's amazing how many small things in life can bring you great pleasure. I think the older we become and realize just how how much God has blessed us, it's so much easier to appreciate ALL the simple things in life! Thanks so much for sharing Pamela! Have a blessed weekend!
Michell @Prowess and Pearls
I love the quote from Laura Ingalls. Thank you for the safe haven here at the Sheltering Tree!
I love Laura IW's quote too. Thank you for your recent comment on my blog!
blessings xx
Hope you enjoyed your valentines day.
Hi Pamela!
Thank you for coming by and visiting me!
I hope your trip to Florida is warm and wonderful.
It's nice to meet you!
Such a beautiful post! It is nice to sit down and reflect for a minute of the pleasures of life, no matter how small.
My simple pleasures:
A good book
a small stash of chocolate for a quick pick me up
a glass of tea
hugs and kisses from my kids
and my husband letting me sleep in on Saturdays
"Thou has put gladness in my heart" (Psalm 4:7).
What a wonderful remedy for depression - we can ask God to put gladness in our hearts.We can also be thankful and content. :) Thanks for this beautiful post. Love the quotes!
God bless.
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, Pamela. I really do take a lot of time and effort with each post ... probably too much time which is part of the reason I don't post more often. I'm glad your comment brought me to A Sheltering Tree. I like what I see here. You definitely have a way with words. Blessings on your ministry!
Hi Pamela,
How fun to find quotes from Wilder and Alcott. They wrote such fun books too.
Thanking Him for the simple and grand things... yes, me too. :)
Have a great week,
Jennifer Dougan
Pam, I couldn't agree more - it's the simple things in life that bring me so much pleasure and enjoyment!
I've enjoyed counting up these simple things in my Blessings Journal -- and the list is getting longer every day!
You have such a beautiful blog. I've loved reading your gratitude list and all of the wonderful quotes! I live in Florida...I hope you're having a good time here!
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