Thursday, May 15, 2014

Shopping for Grace

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,  
Our Father's full giving is only begun. ~Annie J. Flint

From Dandelion jelly to a small child's handkerchief wearing a bright rooster -- this little store had it all. The first time we passed a sign at the end of the driveway advertising the sale of Swiss cheese caught our attention. Now each Monday on our way to a class RB is teaching we check the sign and stop by on our way home Tuesday.

This little Amish store is full of treasures -- sorghum, books, whoopie pies and more. Material, men's coats made to snap instead of button and Fuller Brush cleaning supplies. Bags of spices, colored sugar, and hand-woven baskets with the name and age of the child who made it. I bought one for a friend made by a 5-year-old. A man dressed in traditional Amish attire takes our money and shares a bit of small talk with RB. I love the tiny store, yet next Monday will be our last trip that way for a while.

Just this week I visited another store. I read a sign that offered grace. But when I stopped by, I found a store full of treasures. Joy in rainbow colors, heart-shaped love and fresh mercies. There's hope, wisdom and lion-sized courage. There's a box of tissues by the stack of comfort and down on a low shelf I found a jar of humility. The provisions are too many to number.

The one difference in this store and Yoder's Store is the check out lane. One Man stands there but there's not a cash register in sight. When I ask where I can pay, Jesus shakes His head. "It's already been paid for," He says as He stretches out His arms. "I paid for it on the cross."

Tears fill my eyes as I realize how complicated I make what Jesus so freely paid for. I clutch my treasures, offering a weak "thank you." So insignificant compared to the worth of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Yet within my heart is a new determination to give God my days, my obedience, and my love. To live fully surrendered. Ready and willing to be used of Him.



Beth said...

A truly beautiful post!

Sharon said...

So lovely! Yes, the Store of Grace is a precious place indeed. And we are offered so much more than we could ever pay for...for FREE...because of Jesus' unspeakably loving and merciful gift of love!



Marsha Young said...

A jar of humility! Well please let me order a case. :)
Blessings to you - Marsha

Aritha V. said...

What a beautiful, comforting blog. Grace is free. Your blog reminds me of the heavenly Merchant from one of the books of the Bible who said:"Come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."

Mindy said...

As always--beautiful and gentle reminders of God's faithfulness, forgiveness, and grace. Thank you!

Valerie said...

What a lovely post about grace! I always like to think of how someone very wise described grace.
G ~ God
R~ Replacing
A~ Adam
C~ Christ
E~ Enthroned

Love your blog! =) Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

Gospel Gurl said...

Enjoyed this post. A great reminder of the treasures that are ours...anytime, as much as we want, the supply never runs low. I was blessed by your post!

Cheryl said...

So thankful you stopped by my blog today! Thank you for the sweet encouragement you left behind. It was so nice to meet you. I so enjoyed your post here, and it brought tears to my eyes. I am your newest follower. :) God bless you!