Monday, May 26, 2014

Speak Up and Shelter: Introduction

Remember the tongue speaks only what is in the heart. ~Theodore Epp

Thomas Fuller, an English churchman and writer from the 16th century, wrote, "Learn to hold thy tongue; five words cost Zachariah forty years of silence."  

I have been on a journey of learning how to make "the spoken words and unspoken thoughts" pleasing to God. Raised by a mother who was and is so careful in this area, who used her words to affirm and encourage, I thought I would be more careful of the words I said. But as I began a Scriptural study of the tongue, I found "Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech" (Luke 6:45). My mother's speech was a direct overflow from her heart.

Will you join me on my journey? Each Monday I will have a Bible Study you can download and print. It's not a "feel good" study; it may get messy and reveal motives and attitudes we'd prefer to keep hidden. It's going to be painful at times. We may feel shame. All the while, it will be an introspective study between you and God, but in the end, will hopefully help "the outward living" to become more reflective of our Heavenly Father, drawing people to the redemptive power of Jesus. 

And that, dear friends, is our ultimate goal.

Sign up for e-mail on right to 
get the link for the Introduction.
A new chapter will be sent to 
you each Monday.

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SuzyQ said...

I will join you for sure. If there was ever a time I needed this, it is now. I think you will understand!
Love you and think you are great at what you are doing!

Shannon Wallace said...

I'll join. I need this desperately! Only by listening to the Holy Spirit through our conscience can this be done. Thank you!

Sharon said...

Our mouths - so much damage can be done by errant words. And yet, so much good can be done when we yield our words to The Word.

May the Lord help me to speak when I should, and keep quiet on those other times!


Denise said...

I will join you sweet friend.

RicKaren said...

Sounds like a wonderful and needed journey.....messy roads lead to lovely places. I'll come along!

JES said...

This sounds needful study... Oh the tongue! What trouble it causes! I love your quote about Zachariah. I will try and join in ~ JES

Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays.

JES said...

This sounds needful study... Oh the tongue! What trouble it causes! I love your quote about Zachariah. I will try and join in ~ JES

Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays.

Esther Asbury said...

How did you know what I've been struggling with/praying much about of late?!

Denise said...

Do we put our answers on your blog? Please email me at