Monday, June 16, 2014

Speak Up and Shelter: Chapter Three

Notice, we never pray for folks we gossip about, and we never gossip about the folk for whom we pray! For prayer is a great deterrent. ~Leonard Ravenhill

"Gossip" -- a game 
played in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. Errors accumulate in the re-tellings, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly from the one uttered by the first.  

It may be a fun game, but in real life there's nothing remotely funny about it. The bottom line is that gossip hurts. Always. I wonder if Satan is ever more gleeful than when those who profess to possess the love of God tear down His children. 

Please know as you work through this study that I am also searching my own heart. (And it's not always pretty.) I believe Leonard Ravenhill's quote above holds the key to curing our gossip. When tempted to gossip about someone, stop! Instead, pray for them.  

As I found out firsthand this week, being the subject of gossip is painful. I have a renewed commitment not to inflict this kind of pain on others. Next week we will be talking about our response when we are the object of gossip.  

If you would like the Introduction and first three chapters of Speak Up and Shelter Bible Study, join our mailing list. Here are the free printable Bible Verses: Speak Up and Shelter .


michelle said...

Oh ho w true. The gossip is awful. I try to always walk away from it. It seems so harmless, but I do think the enemy uses our words against us and others. It's a challenge to not gossip, but a challenge worth accepting.

Unknown said...

Great message. Gossip is very destructive and a tool of the enemy, for sure. We need to build people up, not tear them down.

Slice of Pie said...

This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing.

Denise said...

Wonderful post. I did not receive chapter three.

Beth said...

So very true Pam!

Joy said...

This is totally timely Pamela. I love this. Both awakening and inspring. I hope you wouldn'd mind if I borrow qoute.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for any hurt that has come to you. Praying for restoration and peace. Such great wisdom here, friend, as always.

JES said...

Excellent post Pamela! The quote on gossip is really a gem and I pray that I will use that advice! Thanks for sharing this with the Art of Home-Making Mondays! I know others will be blessed by your words!

RicKaren said...

So, so true! Wonderful posts! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes because I have been guilty of gossip. I'll never forget being convicted by something in James about the tongue being the smallest part of the body and causing the most damage. Since then, I do my very best to hold my tongue and not contribute to gossip.

Farm School Marm said...

I'm so sorry that you were on the receiving end of this. It is sad that so often we think of gossip as harmless when James is very clear about how sinful it is.

I was blessed to become a Christian among a great group of people. One day, I was sitting with the preacher's wife waiting for some friends when I repeated gossip told me by another woman in the congregation (who happened to be related to the preacher's wife). Her response has stuck with me 22 years later: "Oh! She never should have told you that. I am sorry for [the person about whom the gossip was said] and I am sorry for you - you should never have been put in the position to hear that about a sister in Christ." It sure taught me to think about the damage done even by listening to gossip!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Bless your heart. Gossip can happen so quickly if we're not on guard.

Jane said...

I often wonder why people that are so quick to call others on their sins, never see that they are sinning when the gossip. I guess to many "Thou shall not bear false witness" isn't as big of a sin as the other nine commandments. LOL! Gossiping is one of my pet peeves and avoid certain people because of it. But I guess I should feel compassion for them, because they are probably doing so to make themselves feel important and interesting. Whenever someone starts with "did you hear about so and so", I just say no and I'm sure if they want me to have this information they will come and tell me in person.

Annesphamily said...

This is a real tough one! I dislike gossip and drama and work in an office where these two things reign! We have a manager that talks about everyone behind their back. I do not trust her and find it difficult to pray for her. People that talk behind your back will talk behind the next persons back and so on. But the world is so PC that no one is willing to say sin is sin. Often we see sin and everyone says its not your place to judge. But if people are not reminded that God will be unhappy with that behavior who will tell them? Too many churches want to preach of God's love and fill their tithes. Lots of signs we are seeing today point to the return of Christ. It is hard to imagine our world continuing on in the direction we are going. Just some thoughts.
This was beautifully written though, as you always do write wonderfully. I hope your weekend is wonderful. Blessings, Anne