Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Shelter of Sanctuary

Houses, like gardens, need our watchful eye, sunshine and nurturing. The houses where we live don’t thrive on neglect. Living abundantly requires loving energy. – Alexandra Stoddard

A collection of photographs on a grand piano in my sister's home, a Waterford bowl on my mother's dining room table, pink depression glass sugar bowls and trays in my bathroom, a zebra rug on the marble floor in my daughter Melanie's music room -- arrangements that show the love of homemaking through three generations. 

Alexandra Stoddard, one of my favorite authors, wrote, "I want my home to be a sanctuary.” I echo her words.  Our home should be a happy retreat, filled with color -- cheerful and pretty -- so it welcomes our family back from school and work each day, and makes them reluctant to leave.

Here are five ways to make your home a sanctuary:

1. Light candles. This is the best way to give your home an atmosphere of warmth with soft lighting and subtle fragrance. I use a lot of timer candles -- love that they come on automatically at six and shut off at midnight. I've found though, that I love to light a candle, too. Use warm scents like Apple Crisp, Cinnamon, Clove or Vanilla. 

2. Prepare a "you" spot. There should be some place in your home that someone says, "That is so you." Teapots for tea lovers or books for readers. Right now I'm loving all the accent reading chairs and one day...

3. Add music. Music gives an inviting mood. Let it play quietly throughout the day. 

4. Sprinkle photographs. A grouping of framed photographs bring a feeling of love to a home. These don't need to be formal; simply a picture from your dating days or a grandchild's first day of school.

5. Make memories. Is there a cookie jar filled with homemade cookies? Do you sing around the piano? Do you gather in the living room to read or prop up in bed to write in your journals? My memories of home include making taffy, churning homemade ice cream and playing Scrabble. 

These nesting ideas will turn your house into a home. But don't forget--of greatest importance is your attitude.  If you love your home, your family will most likely, too. And if you are cheerful during the day, twenty years from now your children probably won't remember the walls needed a coat of paint or that the bookshelves would have enjoyed more frequent dusting -- the warm thoughts of home will fill their hearts with joy.

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GranthamLynn said...

Great post. I actually have a similar one written. Thanks for coming by my 5 minutes Chores post. I am following you now. I enjoyed my visit.
Have a good Thursday,

GranthamLynn said...

Great post. I actually have a similar one written. Thanks for coming by my 5 minutes Chores post. I am following you now. I enjoyed my visit.
Have a good Thursday,

Beth said...

A lovely post Pam!

Robyn Evans said...

I love!

Denise said...

Bless you for sharing.

Joy said...

Yes, I do love my home, my little corner where I read, do handworks and everything with a litlle mess here and there:)

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Such an encouraging post. It makes me want to nest!

Sharon said...

Love the nesting ideas!! My home is filled with the things that my hubby and I love - a little Old West, some Native American, sprinkled liberally with cabin rustic. It suits us - and it's so true - home is a reflection of your soul.


Annesphamily said...

My home has become so chaotic in the past few years. My husband has his brother here, recuperating from a stroke. But his phamily is another story and their drama seems to spill onto us and we dislike it so much! So once he leaves in August we can get back to our own personal lives and I can bring my dolls in from the garage and add more phamily photos everywhere. Your post was so lovely. I didn't mean to come over and be a grump. I really loved reading this and seeing all these beautiful ideas, I do love candles. Always using them because of their calming effect. Sigh! I really appreciated this and I hope you will pray that my phamily can find some calm and peace soon. Thanks Pamela! Hugs, Anne

Farm School Marm said...

A needed post for me. We farm and ranch and this time of year, it's easy to let the house become a bunkhouse rather than a home!

Sarah said...

Hi Pamela,

Thank you for vsitng my blog! This is a lovely post about home. I find that I often like decor that makes me think of my home growing up.


Ceil said...

Hi Pam! You hit on several of my favorite things. Candles, music and baking. Oh yes! Love that. And our traditions make our homes a refuge too. A place of comfort.
Great post!

Jean Wise said...

I love all these ideas especially the one about making memories. That really makes a home. A while back I objectively looked around my home and asked if a stranger entered what would they see? Would they see God's love? interesting challenge to try.

Jean Wise said...
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Jean Wise said...

I love all these ideas especially the one about making memories. That really makes a home. A while back I objectively looked around my home and asked if a stranger entered what would they see? Would they see God's love? interesting challenge to try.

Jean Wise said...
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Anonymous said...

Sweet! Sweet! Post! Little touches that make home! We have a "thinking" room - and a lit candle is like a banner staked out to joy being present!

Saleslady371 said...

Very inspirational! A great post for me to read because I've always been a homebody and my home is a refuge. I like all your tips. I love lamps and enjoy the effect.

Bless you,

Janis Van Keuren said...

Loved the encouragement to make my home more of a refuge and a warm and welcome nesting place. As you pointed out, though, Attitude is key. Our home definitely invites others but I think I could have had a more cheerful attitude for our family on a daily basis.
Hopefully, when they return to visit, the joy is what they will find.

Anonymous said...

So glad I found you (via Imparting Grace). I have enjoyed reading your writing. I love Alexandra Stoddard - have several of her books. She makes me want to be a better me and find the cozy in my home and family.

Create With Joy said...


Thank you so much for sharing this post at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy!

I am a huge fan of Alexandra's and have several of her books.

I loved the tips you shared and I always love visiting your blog.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend, and a blessed week ahead! :-)

Create With Joy

Wanda said...

Great tips Pamela. I have come to enjoy using my catalytic lamp for infusing scents throughout my home.

Unknown said...

I love my home both in how it is decorated to express that it is a sanctuary, a retreat, and the way the sun is shining brilliantly through the trees and playing with shadows on the grass. The breeze can be heard blowing which is giving a most wonderful atmosphere.

I love your post and the graphics are just gorgeous.

Esther Asbury said...

Such wonderful ideas for making a house a home!