Tuesday, August 12, 2014

God Cares for Me

Let God's promises shine on your problems.  ~Corrie Ten Boom

The kids were jumping on the trampoline when it was time to take a walk through the fields. “Go get your shoes on,” his mother told them. There were four pairs of shoes lined up by the trampoline, but when we looked for Camron, he wasn’t there or anywhere we could see between the house and fields. One of them checked the garage, one of them the house. There’s a lot of places to look on their 26 acres of land, but nobody was finding the three-year-old. 

Just as I started into Mamaw-worry, there he came around the corner of the house, winter boots on his feet, needless to say a bit comical with his summer shorts. Not only was he wearing boots out of season, they were on the wrong feet. He was in his own world, head down, watching his feet, marching determinedly toward his father.

How often I come to God the same way. Busy with my shoe-hunting life. I come around the corner and into the presence of my Heavenly Father. I’m wearing my white-washed garments, but my shoes of joy and peace are out of season and on the wrong feet. My mind is focused on the cares of my life, and with my head down, I’m watching my feet, headed for my Father.

Daddy scooped him up and quickly replaced the boots with walking shoes. Camron was happy as he raced toward his brothers and sister. How many times have I felt my Heavenly Father scoop me up, right my shoes and set me on my feet again? The joy returns, the peace settles in my soul, and I’m ready to face life with new goals and vision. 

Life caught up with me this week, but God led me beside still waters and restored my soul. He anointed me with blessing after blessing. My cup overflows and my heart dances under the arc of His exceeding and great promises.

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Kelly said...

So often it's where we look that makes all of the difference. Loved this story so much, friend!

Maryann said...

Loved the analogy, I can see myself in this story, thankful that we have a loving Father who is so willing to scoop us up and set our feet right again

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so glad He did! This reminds me of the armor of God - Eph 6: 15: For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.


Michelle said...

I am so thankful the Rock is higher than I am. I surely need Someone to lean on.

He looks so cute all decked out with his boots on :)

cairncottage said...

I actually preceded your link-up at "Word-Filled Wednesday", but felt compelled to visit and read it. I love how you took an experience, as simple as your 3-year old adventure, and saw it as a lesson on our relationship with God!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

Anonymous said...

Great story, Pam - love the metaphor! Those boots would weigh me down for sure - would much rather the lightweight ones. So glad our heavenly Father carries all the heavy stuff. Blessings to you!!