Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Intentional Focus

Set a goal so big that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can. ~Unknown

We welcomed the newlyweds home and celebrated birthdays. We visited Daddy at his home for a weekend and relaxed in motels for RB to teach distant classes. We signed a contract for a new book and attended writer group meetings. We spent a delightful two days with Daddy, along with my brother, sister, and their spouses in Walnut Creek, Ohio. We met old friends for dinner and enjoyed a meal in Emily's new home. We had a sleepover for the grandchildren during which we sewed, gave art lessons, and played the Wii. We read and wrote, and memorized Scripture. We prayed for friends going through hard trials and sent cards to encourage those we love. We grieved, laughed, and loved.

We packed a lot into our January, but when I looked at the month in the light of my one-word, Focus, I wondered what I focused on.
It seemed more that my month slid by without conscious thought.

I read somewhere that a goal without a plan is just a wish. I can wish to focus on life, but without a plan, it doesn't amount to much. I created a worksheet to keep me on track. Five areas I want to focus on: Spiritual, Family, Social, Physical, and Work. I will intentionally focus on one (or more) ways I want to grow in each area. With a plan, I can cover the various aspects of my focus each day in prayer. 

If you are struggling to grow in your "One Word" for 2015, these worksheets are free. I'll be creating one each month. But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand (Isaiah 32:8). I'm striving for noble plans which will lead to noble deeds.

How do you intentionally keep your One Word?

Free template for One Word cover, January, February
One Word Worksheet

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Joy said...

Wow! You accomplished much in the month of January. Gives me an idea to look back and see what I had done:)
Anyway, I only thought what I want to do and try to apply them in my everyday life. You have a very nice idea of planning. Hope I can follow up.

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hi Pamela, I can totally relate... we need a plan, otherwise we are all over the place... even if we accomplish much! I struggle sometimes with focussing... but posts like yours help me :)

Unknown said...

Oh, this is really, really good. Honestly, just today, I asked God, "Okay, did I rest enough today? Am I done?" Hmmm, perhaps not exactly a focused plan. I am downloading your sheets! Will you link up your sheets at SDG when you post them?

Esther Asbury said...

It sounds to me like you focused on the most important thing there is in life -- people! Those around you are blessed to call you mom, grandma, and friend!

Connie Arnold said...

You have accomplished a lot and seem to have many blessings in your life. It is good to focus on what is important in life. Nice post!


Your time with your dad must be so sad and so wonderfully sweet.
