Sunday, February 1, 2015

Caffeine for the Spirit

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon. ~Ronald Reagan

It's the middle of the afternoon and you're starting to feel that slump coming on.  Unfortunately you still have a four-year-old who wants to bake cookies, or the line at the grocery store is longer than one waiting for the Kraken at Sea World and you still need to stop at the post office before heading home. The smell -- and promise -- of an espresso from the in house coffee shop keeps you standing upright or the gurgling of the coffee pot wafting the scent of the french vanilla coffee in a circle above your head gives you the oomph to smile and get out the cookbook.  For as Henry Ward Beecher said, No coffee can be good in the mouth that does not first send a sweet offering of odor to the nostrils.

I don't drink coffee (except on a cold day when a tall white chocolate mocha calls my name) but I do love to smell it while it's brewing.  But there are days I do need my middle of the day caffeine fix.  I find it in the double strength iced tea I make (or in a venti black shaken tea, no water or sugar added).  Oh how happy we are when our cup runs over!

What then can we do about the afternoon slump in our spirits?  You've just been on the phone with your mentor partner and, listening to the pain in her voice, feel like you were fighting the spiritual battle with her.  The kids have built a tent on the dining room chairs and piled it full of toys, books and every stuffed animal they own.   They're begging you to visit and read them books. On the floor -- in the tent -- with all the toys -- suffocated by stuffed bears.

You feel yourself getting weary and irritable. And then you see it -- the subway art you framed of Psalm 73:26: My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. It's like a shot of caffeine to your spirit.  Joy creeps back into your heart, peace is restored to your soul as you feel your weariness and irritability begin to fade.  Quickly you shoot a text message to your friend:  Read Psalm 73:26.  Then you lift the corner of the blanket and smile at the shouts and giggles of your littles.

This caffeine for the spirit is a trick I've used time after time.  The devil knows when I'm at my weakest.  When he can visit me with whispers of "Can you believe she said that?" to "You're not good to anyone."  He doesn't stay around long when I can pick up a verse from the promise box, quote Philippians 4:8, quickly read a Psalm, open my journal to an encouraging quote of someone who has traveled my road or reread the notes I took on my pastor's encourage message the week before.  It's caffeine -- and it chases the afternoon slump of the spirit away.

It's then that I realize -- my cup is running over.  My heart just gurgles like the coffee pot as the words I've memorized is quoted aloud: 

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

What about you?  How do you chase away the afternoon slump of the spirit?  T.S. Eliot said, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. I want to be able to say, I have measured out my life with Scripture verses. 

* * * * *

A Shot of Shelter: Coffee Gift Basket

I had such fun making this gift basket.  I had the sweetest friend in mind for it.  RB took some of the cookies to work today and shared them with the very person I had picked out for this.  Becky is such a special woman.  Her story is amazing -- raising two boys as a single mother and working to not only get her degree but her master's, too.  Becky has a heart for others and, in spite of her busy life, finds time to shelter -- I know, because I've been sheltered by her!

Sugar Cookies: 

2 eggs
1 tablespoon instant coffee
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1-1/4 cups sugar, divided

1. Mix together eggs, coffee and vanilla; blend well.
2. Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; set aside.
3. In a large bowl, cream butter and 1 cup sugar; beat    in egg mixture.
4. Add flour mixture; blend well.
5. Allow dough to chill for 1-1/2 hours.
6. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
7. Form dough into 1-inch balls, then roll in remaining sugar.
8. Press balls with decorative glass dipped in sugar.
8. Place on greased cookie sheets.
9. Bake at 375  for 8-10 minutes or until they have become golden brown.

1.  I downloaded this recipe card and typed out the recipe. 
2.  Filled the jar with cookies and used this printable coffee image. 

1 comment:

Esther Asbury said...

So very true -- thankful for the strength we find in the Word of God!
BTW- I love when you share gift ideas! You're always so creative.