Courage, dear heart. C. S. Lewis
I watched the graham cracker slide out of my hand, unable to catch it -- Honey Maid, brown and rich with honey, not the light store brand they try to pass off as the real thing. As the cracker hit the white tile, it broke into pieces, tiny and crumbly. And as I bent to gather them for the trash, I thought about how at times life seems like it's falling, breaking into a pile of small and crumbly pieces at our feet.
It's then, when we bend to gather the pieces, that we have a choice. Do I throw all the pieces away or do I try to put them back together, even if it will never look like the life we want it to be? Can we find the brave deep within?
Brave even if you will never again be able to talk to the mother who taught you to be brave.
Brave even if you are fighting an emotional battle.
Brave even if your mailman delivered a letter stripping you of your congregation.
Brave even when forgiveness seems impossible.
Brave even when a medical diagnosis sweeps you off your feet.
Brave even in the midst of depression.
My heart aches with the missing of my mother and for my friends who are struggling with painful situations. But unless we reach down and find our brave, our lives will end up in the trash, utterly useless.
It takes a strong person to face pain and disappointment, confusion and exhaustion, grief and brokenness. But when I need to find my brave, I am reminded who holds my life -- even my broken pieces. It is there, in nail-pierced hands, just waiting for me. I recall His disappointments, His grief, His forgiveness, and remember I am not alone.
When I need to find my brave, it is there -- in nail-pierced hands -- just waiting for me. though we shake in our heartache, and our hearts beat wildly, let's declare the enemy will not keep us from shining. Let us hold our bravery as a badge of honor and take the next step towards wholeness.
Be bold and strong.
Banish fear and doubt.
For remember,
the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Hi! I'm your neighbor at #smallwonder. You speak so much truth here. I love this: "But when I need to find my brave, I am reminded who holds my life -- even my broken pieces." Thank you so much for the reminder that our lives are in His hands. He gives us strength and grace to trust Him and I'm so thankful for His love. Blessings to you!
We are never alone! Praise God.
Amen to that! Love that scripture. We can bravely go together with Christ and encouraged by our brothers and sisters.
Pamela, I'm your neighbor at She Lives Free.
TRUTH. So much truth written in your words. Thank you for reminding me to not simply trash the brokenness...
My I invite you to the DanceWithJesus linkup each Friday?
Beautiful! The word brave has been a theme of mine for a few months as I've wrestled with lots of hard stuff this past year. As a teacher, I even try to apply it in my classroom and tell my students the number one rule is that they "Be brave!" We talk about how being brave can mean everything from risking being wrong to pursuing and loving other people well.
Thanks for sharing!
This is so encouraging, Pamela. Finding my brave means I sometimes have to reach very deep. I'm not brave by nature; only by the courage of Christ can I ever attempt brave things.
I wake every morning determined to find MY brave! Thanks for the encouragement. ♥
What an encouragement this is to me tonight! I know how much you miss your mom, and I am missing my mom as she ages and changes *away* from me. It's so hard. But oh, how we are held strong by our Savior.
The Master of Brave!!
Yes, God is always at work gathering us, remaking us. Thanks for linking with #SmallWonder, Pamela.
Well written!
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