Saturday, April 30, 2011

Alive and Well!

Church isn't where you meet.  Church isn't a bulding.  Church is what you do.  Church is who you are.  Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ.  Let's not go to church, let's be the church.                                                                        ~Bridget Willard

This was the first time I was in the hospital since my Emily was born -- 18 years ago.  I had great nurses, techs and nutritionists, but it was, well...a hospital. I was happy to be released.  Hurrying home I packed my suitcases and we left for our conference.  I got to watch the services through live streaming in my hotel room, giving me time to rest and heal.  So to all you faithful readers who have been concerned, I am alive and well!

I chose to go to the last service because it's one of my favorites of the conference.  Five Bible College choirs and orchestras join together as a mass choir.  The director this year was a man who sang in RB's choir years ago.  We always love it when Jerry directs.

I hope you'll listen to their last song (linked here).  We hear so much about the failures of the church.  The church is either too conservative or too worldly.  Too many uncaring members.  Too many hypocrites.  Too boring.  Too many rules.  Too sick to do much good.

I disagree.  Oh yes, I do agree that you could find these "failures" and many other faults among the pews and even pulpits of the church.  I, too, get weary of the focus on rules without attention to integrity and character.  To the profession of love when the focus is funds.  But God's church?  His church goes beyond attendance numbers, the songs we do or do not sing, and the size of the church campus.  God's church is full of His presence.  His people, human yet forgiven, are living authentic lives, full of love for their Creator and Savior and each other.

I believe a healthy church uses the media of our day to reach all ages and diversities of its members.  They can sing with reverence Robert Grant's "Oh, worship the king..." written in the 1800s  and with the same heart of praise Jack Hayford's, "Majesty, worship His Majesty..."  written in 1997. A healthy church uses websites, Youtube videos and blogs to reach others with the same passion the early church used their sandals to walk from town to town preaching about Jesus. 

  The Church Awakening 
 A healthy church will use all menus available to enable God's children to grow in their faith and walk with God.  Bible studies, new believer classes, revivals, and Bible-based preaching.  Our pastor uses God's Word throughout his messages and I love finding the passages in my Bible, seeing the correlation between the Old and New Testament, prophecy from Isaiah fulfilled in Luke, etc.  A healthy church will be passionate for Christ, and that begins in the love of God and His Word.

This church isn't just my church or your church.  It's not limited to those in the United States.  It's not even confined to those meeting in Gothic cathedrals or small country churches.  It's not restricted to your denomination or mine.  God's church -- those who "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" come from all walks of life.  They may dress like you or they may not.  Their preferences in music may match yours and they may not.  God may have found them in the university or in jail.  They could be a sports hero or a homeless person. If God has accepted them into His church, who are we to criticize? Ultimately, if we do, we are criticizing and questioning the God we profess is living in our hearts and leading our lives.

The young people singing in the mass choir comes from various parts of the United States and other countries.  Yet they are passionate about the church of God -- the Triumphant Church.  Oh yes, many have tried to destroy it throughout the years. The Pharisees with their rules and rituals tried to destroy it -- even killing the Cornerstone of the church.  In the 1500s Bloody Mary tried to stamp it out by burning 300 Christians at the stake.   Today although our methods have changed, Satan uses us, whether with an everything goes embracement or nit-picking exclusion, to kill the church -- but it stands today.  Yes, God's church stands triumphant -- it is alive and well! 

Linked to:


Marsha Young said...

So true. Not only is there a "focus on funds" when professing love, but there is a profession of "connection" when too often the actual objective is "collection".

But those are man's failings, not God's. His intention toward His bride, the church, is pure and He will make sure it remains true to His purposes. Blessings to you - Marsha

Kerrie said...

Dear Pamela, You are an extremely gifted writer. This is a fantastic post!!! I hope you won't mind me letting my friends know about your blogspot. I know they too will be blessed by visiting you. God bless. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

Avis said...

I agree :)

no spring chicken said...

Amen. A house divided will fall... Only God knows the hearts of men... Judge not lest ye be judged... They will know you by your love for one another...

The music as a backdrop to your words was awesome!

Blessings, Debbie

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I'm glad you're okay....and out of the hospital. And that quotes is awesome. "let's be the church...." Stay well and strong....


I love the church . . . and I have been in some good ones and some not so good ones.

How is the recovery going?


Esther Joy said...

With the continuing struggles within our church body, this touched me. You got my attention at the start with your quote by Bridget Willard. One lady at our church said to me, "I think I will quit coming because I feel like the Holy Spirit has left us." I felt God gave me an answer when I replied, "Oh, no. The Holy Spirit has not left us He dwells within us, and everytime we walk in that door, we bring Him with us." Thanks for your encouraging words.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

The church is the body of Christ,It has no walls or boundaries .I hope you are feeling better.

Madonna said...

Thank you for visiting my page. I liked this post of yours. I hear all the time people talking about hypocrites and how they don't need to go to church. I counter with the fact that if the most perfect person who ever walked this earth regularly attended church with the hypocrites, then that is the example He expects us to follow.

Mevely317 said...

You've certainly given me "pause for cause" ... I, too, have been guilty of walking away from a parish where "politics" overshadowed joy.
I Thank God, for those circumstances which led me towards a "healthy" church! Great post!

Saleslady371 said...

Another powerful post, Pamela, full of acceptance and love and embracing our differences. So sorry to read you were in the hospital. Stay well!

Christina said...

Amazing post. I so agree about using the media to reach those of all ages. This is a great way to get to people who either can't get to church, or who are just trying to find out about God. I have not read that book by Charles Swindoll but I have to add it to my wish list.

Donnie said...

Hope you're doing better and I'm glad you were able to go to the conference. It looks like it was wonderful.

Charlotte said...

Amen. The gates of hell will not prevail against His church. I love the song on the video. Thank you for sharing.

Jocelyn said...

I'm so glad to hear you're out of the hospital! And I also love the quote in the very beginning of your post about church - and yes, the church is still alive! =) Have a blessed week!

Megan said...

This is such a beautiful post!! I too believe that the church is moving and growing and ALIVE! Praise God!!

Diana Trautwein said...

Yes, and amen. Preach it, sister!

Heart n Soul said...

Love that saying by Bridget very good.

Stephanie Lynn Burley said...

The Body of Christ is both a flawed and beautiful entity! So glad to be a part of it! Loved the post, and yes, that last song was the climax to another wonderful IHC. Thanks for posting it so that I can be blessed again here at home!

Anonymous said...

Church is the people! Oh if more and more come to this truth, the revolution it would start! :)


Mrs. M.

Unknown said...

I must have missed something. I didn't know you were in the hospital! So glad you are out and on the road to recovery. Prayers for that.

I agree that if we just sit in judgement of all the things that are going wrong, our hearts will not be in the place for us to do the things He has called us to do.

Melanie N. Brasher said...

I didn't now you were in the hospital! Glad you're out as well.

Yes, the church is alive! amen to that. Great post.


Breathing In Grace said...

What a beautiful post, as we struggle with what "church" to be a part of. Thank you so much....and HOPE you are feeling much better!!!

Jennifer said...

Great post! I think people sometimes forget that Jesus died for the people who make up the Church because none of them is perfect. If people are looking for perfection, they should only look to Jesus; otherwise, they will be sorely disappointed.

Before we moved, we attended a church where the pastor said, "We will use any method short of sin to preach the Gospel." I always thought that he had the right idea--it's not about the music I like, or the technology that I personally embrace, but instead finding ways to share the love of Jesus with others. That is the Church.