Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
~Redd Foxx
First of all, I hope you do not take this post as complaining. It’s simply and sincerely meant as an explanation of where I’m coming from in choosing my 2012 word: Healthy. I feel God’s blessing on my chosen word–and have sensed an urging for a couple months.
Healthy. This may seem like an unusual word to claim for the year, but my health keeps me from ministry activities. There are times when I force myself to do what is asked, then spend the next three days dealing with the extra pain it caused.
Healthy—what does that mean? I’ve been exploring what all it entails ever since God presented it to me. It’s not a word that I’d think would describe me. Migraines, diabetes, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and continuous muscle pain would put me in the unhealthy group.
I’m not talking about dieting, increasing therapy, or exercising to lose weight (but I wouldn’t mind losing). It’s researching the best foods for my health issues then using that information to eat healthier. It’s drinking a full glass of water when taking pills, working toward kidney health. It’s getting enough sleep so my body is rested. It’s exercising through the pain (for greater mobility), taking vitamins and learning to say no to some things.
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It’s time– time to begin praying for a miracle. I feel like I cannot ask God for a health miracle without doing my part to lead a healthier life.
I’ve always felt unworthy to ask God for a miracle -- unworthiness because I didn’t pray enough, share the Gospel frequently enough, give enough…all those enoughs and many more reasons. But my Bible tells me that Jesus will do anything I ask in His name—because it will bring glory to the Father. That includes enabling me to do my part towards living healthier.
There’s my word: Healthy. I’d love to share a grandiose word like intentional, renewal or perseverance. But God gave me healthy and in my obedience it will become grandiose. I’m determined to do my part and if God (Who knows my future) chooses not to heal me, next year’s word could be acceptance.
So with joy, anticipation and peace I embrace my 2012 word: Healthy.
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What a wonderful post and close to my heart. I relate to it all including the unworthy part. I have been learning this year that I am loved so very much whether I am do-ing...or just be-ing. That love is unconditional!
I am still pondering the word God will give me for this year. Praying for you and your healing!
Hi Pamela - i think that's an awesome word to believe for. I pray for you and your family for health and for God to show you the way to achieve that.
God bless and blessed new year
What a great word! I haven't chosen mine yet. Last year was 'Grounded'. I longed to be more grounded in the Word, growing deeper roots so I wouldn't freak out so quickly when life throws challenges =) Seems like my word for 2012 is taking longer to reveal itself.
Happy New Year!
I glean so much here at A Sheltering Tree from your wisdom. Thank you, Pamela! It is my prayer that you have a happy and healthy new year!
I think is awesome .. and I'm right there with you! If you don't mind sharing your word! It's a simple word but actually pretty profound! Thanks for the post!!!
Pam I am going to claim that word and believe it for BOTH of us. Take care honey.
God bless!
I'm praying for much and believing for the best.
May God Bless you with health this year, and every coming year! What a wonderful 2012 word. I relate to what you wrote, and I hope what I'm going to share is an encouragement to you. My health improved this past year after learning of a dairy allergy. I had terrible headaches and finally went to a chiropractor/natural practitioner who recommended I do an elimination diet to see how I responded to foods when they were re-introduced. I still can improve my health, for sure, but my cholesterol dropped 30 points in three months and I'm now headache free. I'm going to say a prayer for you to have break throughs that will give you the health to serve the way your heart desires. By the way, my word is slowly for 2012:)
I think that is a wonderful word and wonderful goals. Trusting that God will bring you good health and that you are able to be about His work.
Blessings and Happy New Year!
Dear Pamela,
What a wonderful word for 2012.
I will pray for you as the Holy Spirit leads.
I hope 2012 will be an amazing year for you and your loved ones.
May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
Oodles of hugs and love from Kerrie. xOx
I've never actually thought of claiming a word for the new year -- but I like the sound of it.
Hoping you have a happy and healthy new year -
Very entertaining subject, I will bookmark your website to check out if you publish more in the future. Thanks!
We woke to a snow storm on this beautiful New Years church for us, but blessed by friends I've made through blogging. A Happy, healthy New Year to you too!
Pamela, that's a good word for the year. My word for the year is "FIRST" - I plan on being part of a Bible Study with our First Place 4 Health group again, and I guess that's where this thought began. I really do want God first, spend time with Him first thing, think about what He would want of my day FIRST. I have a lot to learn!
May you have a HEALTHY and blessed year!
I am with you on this post. Asking God to help me, as I help myself lead into a healthier and more servanted "me"! I had to have my gallbladder removed on Dec 27th. It hasn't been comfortable, but reminded me that my body is the temple and I need to treat it with God's utmost respect. "You go girl!" You have the heart to accomplish this task with God's help! I can tell by reading your blogs! Happy New Year!
Precious words straight from your heart, sweet friend. If HEALTHY is the word God has given you for 2012...then, nobody should question it. HEALTHY to me means more than physical's emotional and spiritual, as well. It's so inspiring to read other's chosen "word"!!!
I love it Pamela! I am excited to see what He brings you this next year. I never knew so many people did "words". I did one last year and this year it seems everyone is talking about their word. This year mine is Loved. We will see what God brings this year to me through this word. I'm thinking perhaps dealing with long standing "stuff" in my life.
I am so thankful for your sweet blessed spirit and your encouraging visits.
HI Pamela...that's a fabulous walk healthy in every way....I wish you His absolute best for 2012 and to be healthy in every way...I love your openness and honesty. Thanks for being you. And love the picture.
You know, I used to feel like I wasn't good enough to ask God for heart things, needed things or any thing - who was I? - but when I began to understand how God loves, who I am to Him (daughter of the King - and What that Means) - it also means He wants me to come to Him. He wants to fix my hurts. He wants relationship.He wants me to have the Whole Relationship - this father/daughter relationship.
Wishing you blessing as you take it to the Father!
Dear Pamela, I pray you will have physical, mental and spiritual health by the loving touch of the Great Physician. Happy New Year to you and your family.
I think that is an amazing word, healthy. And I pray that throughout this year, you would see Him meet you where you are and bring you to that healthier place. I'm so thankful for your ministry!
It is a wonderful word, and I will pray for you. I know personally the struggles you are dealing with. Do it for HIM!!!
It is so much easier for us to do things for others. Please take a moment to watch the video on my blog here:
God bless you, Pamela!!!
This word is a strong word. We all long to be Healthy in so many ways. We just don't know how. God has given you a gift already in reflecting how this word will affect your life. Praying that you will feel healthy in all aspects of your life.
Thanks for honestly sharing your desires and needs. May our God who does abundantly beyond what we can ask or think, bring health to your body and strength to your spirit. You have been a great encouragement to me, many times.
Many words for you come to mind:
beauty, grace, joy, giver, mentor, friend.
Healthy. A beautiful, powerful word, Pamela. For me, healthy means being WHOLE. And it is only possible through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Here's to a HEALTHY 2012 for us and our families!
I love this vision of the word "healthy". It's an excellent one, and spiritually rooted to boot.
Thank you for joining us at Liturgical Time. Welcome!..and I'd love it if you would link this post, or a post of your choice, to our current Link-up. We have a new one each Sunday, that lasts for the week.
Pax Christi, and I pray a healthy new year for you and yours!
oh, i can so relate, and i think it's a fabulous word! i am praying that you will be able to sift through the information you will surely find yourself overwhelmed by. having been down that road myself, i will pray, too, for discernment as you make these changes. knowing all the while that God walks beside you.
Great post and great word. You did a great job of explaining everything that that word embodies to you.
That is a good word for this year. My word is JOY. With that comes positive thoughts. Depending more on The Lord and His Word. I know what you mean about having to work through the aches and pains. I pray that the Lord will help each one to
keep our words before our minds and we may grow in Him. Blessings!
I just love this post!! I love your word, and while it's not the overarching word God has impressed on my heart, it may be one of the subcategories under my word, which is CHALLENGE. You have named some wonderful health pursuits that will be under my challenge umbrella this year! Thank you for placing them in this wonderful, HEALTHY light and for already being an encouragement to my focus for 2012! Blessings!!
I think HEALTHY is such an excellent one word to choose for the year! It encompasses so many aspects of our lives, well, ALL aspects. I will look forward to the things that you will be sharing on it. I can use them too!
I pray that God will bless you in this desire and you will be a blessing to many others. Thank you for sharing this.
Good for you! I am reminded that the word tells us to "be in good health and prosper, even as our soul prospers."
Surely you will be moving in that direction as you contemplate being "authentic, compelling and gracious."
Fine post. Happy New Year! - Marsha
Go at it wisely and with God all things are possible. Health is a good word!
Pamela...what a joyful post! I think your word is PERFECT for you. When I read your post, I thought..."oh, I should have chosen "healthy". I need to be healthier in many areas of my life. And yet, that wasn't the word that God put on my heart. Rather "intentional" is what came to mind over and over...b/c for me I need to be more intentional about how I for my husband and for my for my friends and family...ect.
God is so wonderful...he gives us exactly what we need!
Blessings this 2012,
Oh, my friend, I think we all could do to heed some of this healthy advice. What I appreciate about your thoughts here is the awareness that you have that there is no "healthy" apart from God. May the God of Jacob grant you the desires of your heart, sweet friend. Happy, happy new year.
Healthy is a wonderful word. A wonderful goal. Physical, emotional, spiritual. Praying you experience a most awesome year.
My word is not "gradiose," either. It's "order." I need decluttering on all fronts before I can pursue healthy. :)
I am with you on this one friend.....Sometimes the simple words have the most impact and I can't think of a word more important than being healthy.....AFter all, God says we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we should take care of that temple....Now I am preaching to the choir.....
I came to visit you today for a reason...God guided me here....Have a blessed day....
I think "healthy" is a wonderful word. It is a word that gives us the strength to do what we need to do, and go where we need to go. I believe we do partner with God in this area of bringing all things under submission to Him (habits & lifestyle choices also). Most people (including me) can do better in the health department. YOU GO GIRL!
You can do it!!
Healthy is a good word to center in on. There are many ways to be healthy as you pointed out. We need to be healthy in all these areas and I believe it is God's desire for each one of us.
Blessings for a Healthy new year.
Such a wonderful post, Pamela. It's a great word. Much of 2011 was taken over by health concerns - with my family, and with myself. I ended the year with some oddball symptoms. I also suffer from headaches. I so understand your dismay at feeling like you're limited in ministry because of these physical difficulties. I've been wrestling with it all.
I am coming to the firm conclusion that God can indeed heal it all - make it all go away in a second, if that is what HE wills. However, if things do not change, then there is a definite PURPOSE in our individual *thorns in the flesh.*
God knows - and He makes no mistakes. If I'm a cracked pot (not a crackpot!!), then He wants to speak through me just as I am.
Love you, Pamela - for your honest vulnerability. Please know that I understand.
After all, my word for 2012 is OVERCOME!
Thank you for your visit, sugar. I'm just glad I can make you smile. I also receive many blessing from our Lord. I am truly blessed!
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