The Master Potter picks up the brush and adds color as beautiful as the rainbow - color soft as a rising sun. ~Carl Richardson
Today was a rare Saturday for me. RB was off in one direction to play for a funeral. Emily was off in the other to attend an eight-hour training session for her Haiti trip. The house was quiet--too quiet for a Saturday. To make my day go faster I decided I needed to add some spring splashes of color around our home--after all, the first day of Spring is only a month away.
So I puttered and played with birds and candles, pastel lights and speckled eggs, bunnies and chicks. It was such a fun day, and our home is smiling tulips and pastel M & Ms. Yellows, coral and tangerine catch your eye. It's hard to feel alone when enjoying color splashes.
I enjoyed the colors poured over my home, and in the enjoyment I realized that not only was my physical home needing the color, my soul was hungry for some color, too. It was in the stillness of my day that a little bit of spring came to my soul.
Splashes of forsythia yellow: Joy! Clap your hands, all peoples. Shout to God with loud songs of Joy (Psalm 47:1).
Accented with coral tulips: Grace! In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of His trespasses, according to the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7).
Enhanced with spring green grass: Peace! Letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).
I'm thankful for the color God used to brighten my soul. I wasn't in the beautiful church RB was today, with the sun shining through the stained glass windows. I was just in this house we call home. It isn't always in the formal worship I find God. I can find Him in the middle of my ordinary day. A day when I am busy splashing color. When I step back and smile at my flower arrangement I see it -- God's hand, splashing color on my soul.
I enjoyed the colors poured over my home, and in the enjoyment I realized that not only was my physical home needing the color, my soul was hungry for some color, too. It was in the stillness of my day that a little bit of spring came to my soul.
Splashes of forsythia yellow: Joy! Clap your hands, all peoples. Shout to God with loud songs of Joy (Psalm 47:1).
Accented with coral tulips: Grace! In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of His trespasses, according to the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7).
Enhanced with spring green grass: Peace! Letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).
I'm thankful for the color God used to brighten my soul. I wasn't in the beautiful church RB was today, with the sun shining through the stained glass windows. I was just in this house we call home. It isn't always in the formal worship I find God. I can find Him in the middle of my ordinary day. A day when I am busy splashing color. When I step back and smile at my flower arrangement I see it -- God's hand, splashing color on my soul.

We can find HIM in the ordinary, if we are looking. Enjoyed seeing what you created today. Love the bunnies in the container and forsythia is my favorite. Have a wonderful weekend.
Finding Him in ordinary things like forsythia - in our homes, kitchens, in the dusting! Yes! My husband loves little peeps - I don't think your beautiful arrangement would last long! LOL
Sweet! Finding color for both physical and spiritual senses. Oh to see them equally well!
You are seeing Gods creation from the soul and your spirit, which is where God is. Blessings CML
Love the arrangements! I love to see God's colors in the sunsets.
"It isn't always in the formal worship I find God. I can find Him in the middle of my ordinary day." Your words echo my heart. I always love visiting with you. Smiles to you today, Susan
Beautiful spring arrangements, Pam, and beautiful post about the colors God splashes on our souls from time to time! I find those "informal" splashes to be my favorite -- maybe because they are "just for me" and remind me that God knows and cares about me personally!
Hello dear Pamela,
I enjoyed your post so much. I love finding God in the middle of my ordinary day!
Yesterday I had a very frustrating morning and then I went and spent some quiet time and prayed.
When I resumed what I had been doing, to my surprise, God had moved in and fixed what I couldn't. I shouldn't have been surprised but I was.
I love His splashes of colour in my life. I looked out the window this evening and He had painted the sky outside my window with a beautiful pink and orange hue. Only God can do that! I'm so glad He's my God! He's my kind of Artist!
Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment. I always enjoy having you stop by.
Hello, Pamela, and thank you for your beautiful post. I love the splashes of color you have used to make your home so inviting for spring. I, too, find God in the quiet times spent in my home just puttering around. May you have a lovely week, my friend! Vicki
Thanks for reminding me I can find God in just the simple moments of the day. Things look a little brighter. Blessings!
So true! The beauty of the Lord's presence is all around us if only we will open our eyes to see it. And while I wouldn't trade the corporate gathering in worship of God's people for anything, the ability to worship Him throughout the week is a blessed balm to my soul. :)
Lovely flowers!
What a beautiful post... love the God given splashes of color!
Love the color splashes you shared. Like you I'm so glad God made color. Wouldn't this be a drab world without it?
Your blog is a beautiful, uplifting place! And so are your words. I'm so thankful we can find Him and meet with Him in the ordinary moments of our days. Thanks for visiting my blog; come again - and I'll surely be back to visit you!
A sweet post ~ I am waiting for Spring too. Blessings ~
"God's hand, splashing color on my soul." i just love when He does that!
and, as a side note, it wouldn't matter how much i puttered around. . . my creations would never end up looking as cute as yours do!
have a great day!
I think god loves it when we meet Him in the simplest of pleasures. What a gift.
I like the way you relate color to spiritual meaning. Today started with the beautiful white of a falling snow. I feel wonder whenever it snows-- His cleansing is complete. Later it was just gray and brown. I could have used your lively spring colors.
Thanks for sharing brightness.
Pamela, thank you for sharing. Blessings.
It sounds like a beautiful colorful spring has sprung early at your house, Pam.
It is one of my biggest joys that God chose to express His beauty and creativity through color! It broadens my understanding of His glory just a bit more every time I see the wonders of color. Very lovely post. Thanks!
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