A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you,
than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you. ~Bob Proctor
I'm sharing this paper Emily wrote for one of her classes. Mentoring is a beautiful and Biblical way to shelter. Teach the older women to live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord...These older women must train the younger women...to live wisely and be pure. Titus 2:3-5
Valentine's Dinner 2012 |
Focusing on God since the age of seventeen, she has looked to Him for support in each triumph or trial she has faced. Janet’s important message arrived in a package in the form of love and respect. “Love and respect.” Janet declares matter of factly. “We forget that. If we respect one another, we will love one another.” Living with Janet for three months, I quickly found that love and respect are exactly what this godly woman demonstrated with each breath of her life.
Janet Thompson, my boss, my friend, unknowingly slipped into the additional role of my mentor. As I spent the summer months in her home, I watched her encounter people in less than desirable situations. I never saw her angry. I never saw her focus on a problem for longer than it took to deal with. Any time something weighed heavily on her mind, I heard the words, “None of these things move me. What’s that to thee? Follow thou Me. Others can. I cannot. None of these things move me,” flow from her mouth. Janet realized the importance of loving unconditionally, even when it was “inconvenient”. Watching Janet live her theme of love and respect has become one of my biggest blessings.
Janet has developed a method for respecting those whom she may struggle to understand. “Things I don’t understand, I don’t even try to understand. I just throw my mystery bag over my shoulder.” Janet always informs me that wondering about things and people that you may not understand only results in pain and grief. You will never fully understand everyone, and speculating only lowers your opinion or them.
Jonathan and Emily |
Janet attended Marion College, even when the circumstances around her resisted this decision. Janet knew she must follow God’s calling no matter what the repercussions would turn out to be. She held herself to the high standards she felt God was directing her to, while others on campus were attaining to different standards. These standards of dress and conduct may have seemed unimportant or odd to the world, yet she remained true to the values she believed were important for her. As she reflected on these times the words arose, “…Others can, I cannot. None of these things move me.”
These words have graced the pages of Janet’s stories for years. God has blessed her ministry far above what she could have imagined because of her willingness to heed to the words, “What’s that to thee? Follow thou Me.” Twenty years ago, after retiring from 34 years of teaching, Janet and her husband Duane answered the call to open a daycare in Indianapolis, Indiana. They began this journey during the month of September with two large buildings which could occupy 170 children.
Beginning with just twenty-five children, Janet and her mother-in-law sought the Lord. They asked God to send the daycare seventy-five children by February of the next year. Duane and Janet continued serving God and following His will, and on the second day of February He sent them their seventy-fifth child. Twenty years later, Janet is still respecting and loving each child and parent that walks through her door and God has blessed her for it. Today the daycare is thriving, and is a wonderful example of God’s gracious care.
May 6, 2009 marks the day Janet’s life turned upside down. Her college sweetheart, Duane passed away suddenly. A heartbroken Janet was forced to learn a way of life that seemed unimaginable. Tears of sorrow and pain were her constant companions, her tireless energy depleted, and for a moment in time she was at a loss for where to turn. During a time in Janet’s life where she certainly would have had excuse to shut the world out, she consistently remained that same loving, respectful woman of God. As Janet reflected on the devastating two and a half years without her husband by her side, her eyes shown with praise—even through her hurting—for her Savior. She recalled time after time He was faithful to supply her needs. She clung to the promise in Psalm 68:5, that God will be “protector of the widows.”
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Woman to Woman: Preparing Yourself to Mentor |
Edited to add: Kara from Changing Streams just finished a mentoring study at her church. I'm sure she'd be willing to answer questions that you have. They used Mentoring Matters:
Mentoring Matters is an eight-week women's ministry study designed to encourage and train ladies in their high calling, which is to honor God’s Word in their hearts and homes. This small group study is based upon the principles laid out in Titus 2, where the older women in the body of Christ are instructed to promote and model by example the kind of living that reflects God’s presence in the home. Participants complete a short homework lesson each week, and then meet to share their answers with a group of no more than six other ladies. Women will grow in their understanding of these biblical truths and will also make new friends, enjoying the fellowship of other Christian women. Topics include: Honoring God’s Word, Loving your husband, Loving your children, Keepers of the home (cooking, housecleaning, laundry, etc), Stewardship (resources, time, energy, own health) and Inner person of the heart (attributes of godly woman).
She sounds like such an amazing woman of God! We can all learn a thing or two from her. She sounds like she would be a great mentor as well.
I completed a "Mentoring Matters" study at our church with our ladies. Here is ordering info if any churches would like to do this study. It's scriptural, challenging and profitable to ladies at any stage of their faith walk!!!
Such a beautiful post.
Hugs, Deborah
Pamela - So good to have you stop by my whimsiness this week - and so very glad I've visited your Sheltering Tree today! What a great article on mentors and such inspiration our Lady Janet has been - now to a wider audience for this post. I must get one of those "mystery bags" fo myself . . .
What a blessing to have had Janet mentor you...Love the "mystery bag"...so much love and wisdom in this post...thanks for sharing, Pamela :)
I love this mystery bag -- what a tangible way to deal with information that threatens to derail our thoughts.
Don't you love how the good Lord has found great women like Janet to teach us? I love what she says, "Janet always informs me that wondering about things and people that you may not understand only results in pain and grief. You will never fully understand everyone, and speculating only lowers your opinion or them." Brilliant. Blessings, Nona
Pamela, thanks for sharing your daughter's words. What a wonderful mentor for her to spend time with. It shows that we teach by example. As a Sunday School teacher to teenager girls, I try to mentor them not only in word, but in my mannerisms, character and personality. Love the pictures, everyone looks so happy. ~ Abby
Janet is a true example of a Godly woman. I love the idea of the mystery bag.
Thank you for sharing this story.
loved your post. that line reminds me of Teresa of Avila's
"Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things pass away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing;
God alone suffices."
and i think i will keep that mystery bag close by.
thank you for sharing,
hugs, peggy aplSEEDS
she does sound amazing and I know what you mean about mentors. There is amazing older lady that's come into my life and has helped me so much. Her guidence and support has been invaluable. Hope your weekend shines.
I've heard some of those same words from my mom.... words of wisdom....what a great reminder!
What a wise concept, the mystery bag. I like it. :)
Just wanted to say also that I really like your blog's design. Very clean and beautiful.
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