Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wanting God's Better

Disappointments are just God's way of saying, "I have something better in mind.  ~unknown

My daughter, Melanie, and her husband planned a fun Friday night family 4-wheeler ride. They just knew the kids would be so excited -- and they were! Melanie's next door neighbor has a landing strip and it's the perfect place for races.

All three machines gassed up and the family ready to ride, the quiet hum of engines caught their attention. Looking up they saw the neighbor's airplane ready to land. Watching the landing excited the kids, but it turned out even more exciting when the neighbor asked if they wanted a plane ride.

Melanie said, "We thought we had the best activity planned for the kids, but it turned into something so much better."  Upon hearing this, the Lord spoke to me very plainly, "You thought you had the best plan for me to answer prayer -- but I had something so much better in mind."

True, I thought I knew just how God could "fix" things. Do you ever tell God how to answer your prayers? "God, if you would just...then..." I wanted God to move the players around like the men in a chess game.  But He didn't, because He had something so much better in mind.  

The enemy of our souls is happy for us to cling to our game plans.  He loves hearing us lament God's methods. But in the midst of Satan's glee, the Sword of the Spirit slashes through his one-man-celebration with, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).

In my amazement at how God works, I look around and say, "So. Much. Better." I am in awe of His leading in our family. Paul so plainly tells us, 
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. 
Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!

I wanted God to "push people around." Instead the Holy Spirit worked in me, deeply and gently. My wildest dreams could not have brought me to the place I am today. All I can say is "Glory to God." His better surpasses anything I could think. Glory to God! Oh, yes!

God had something better than what I had planned.
God had something better by His Grace I stand.
So if you're tired of searching for that joy you can't find.
Remember God had something better in mind.
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Terra said...

How cool the riding turned into airplane rides. Yes, I often ask or suggest to God things I want to happen and yet I know His plans are best. Prayer can change us, and not other people.

Beth said...

God indeed has a plan for each of us from the day we are born,

Brenda said...

I have found God's plans for me to be so much better than mine.

Mevely317 said...

I needed to read these words today! Wishing you a most blessed Mother's Day. :)

J said...

I can certainly identify with fixating on a plan in my head and then "ordering" God to make it happen because, after all, he "promised" he'd answer "all" our petitions. And I have been surprised to discover that replies I thought were a "no" turned out to be a "wait," because, of course, something much better was in store. Having that trust and faith from the beginning is the way to go, of course. I'm finding it comes easier with age and experience...still not there yet, but trying! A lovely, thought provoking post! Thank you!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Oh what a fun and inspirational post!

This reminded me of years and years ago..we were at a local airshow when my boys were little.

( not a big one..just at our county airport, but sufficient entertainment for the afternoon! :)

ANYWAY, this cute little yellow plane came in and landed and out popped an aunt and uncle of mine! ( they were really 2nd cousins but as a child, I'd called them aunt and uncle since they were my parents age ) I'd not kept up with them much and did not know they had a plane! It was SUCH a fun surprise! :)

Denise said...

Glad you shared.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Pamela! I have been on here for a bit, catching up on all that I have missed.

How exciting for the kids to get to ride in the airplane. It gives you such a different perspective of your neighborhood (something that traveling in a commercial jet can't do, unless you live by the airport).

It sounds as if you are having some struggles right now, and I am glad that you are taking some time off from the pressures of blogging. I hope that you have a wonderful time in your travels and with your visitors.

As for this post, it is always exciting to see what God has in mind. After I was released from my second marriage, He was answering my prayers before I could even think of asking for anything, and I will never forget all the blessings provided for my son and I during that period of time.

Thank you for the encouragement that you give to all of us, and I a praying for you.


Kathy M.

Ruth said...

I like the way you used your daughter's family experience to illustrate how Gods' way is always better. What an awesome Father! He makes us mount up with wings as eagles.

no spring chicken said...

I so appreciate your analogies and application stories of scripture.. This is a perfect example of why we need to trust Him.. No just means He has something better in mind.

Blessings, Debbie

Thistle Cove Farm said...

God's better is more wonderful than anything we could ever imagine!

Sharon said...

This was so encouraging to me tonight. I pray for so many things for my family - and yes, I have my own ideas for how things might work out.

Thankfully, God knows far better than I do what will be best.

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Aritha V. said...

Oh, how special. I love the way you involve this event to our spiritual life. A spiritual lesson we often found in simple things of everyday life. I appreciate your analogies :-)

Making Memories 1999 said...

Thank you so much for this encouraging post.I love the family activity analogy...AND it's true! God's ways are so much higher than ours!! Blessings!

Unknown said...

I certainly love it when God one ups us! He's awesome like that!

Sarah said...

Airplanes ... beautiful memories for our family and the heart thrill of my youngest.

Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some goodness.


Annesphamily said...

I would say the Lord "drug" me over here today to read these very words! But then I would be lying to you! He knows everything and He sent me here today so I would stop being so silly and be quiet and listen to Him when He speaks! I needed this. Thanks Pamela!

Esther Asbury said...

I've lived this post - often! I'm learning to say, "God you know what is best - work things out in your way and time!"
BTW - have you ever thought of publishing your blog in a book form? I'd buy one of the first copies!