Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Shredded Heart

Don't speak evil of someone if you don't know for certain, and if you do know, ask yourself, why am I telling it? ~Johann Kasper

Did you hear about the church sign announcing the Sunday morning sermon? Gossip. Underneath was the title of the song, "I Love to Tell the Story."  We can laugh about that, but it's not funny when we are the object of gossip.

It shreds your heart, even if it's spread by someone who isn't a close friend. It's human to wonder, Who heard it and who believes it? In the study, I define the difference between gossip and slander, although either one is difficult to process. 

One reason people gossip is that they don't have enough to do. 1 Timothy 5:13  tells us, Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. If you are caught up in this sin, find something to focus your time on -- something true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8a).

To help deal with gossip, start a gratitude journal. Think of things that are excellent and full of praise (Philippians 4:8b). Write down your praise; it will change your attitude and your obsession about the affairs of others. This is a great exercise when we are dealing with gossip about ourselves. The devil would like us to dwell on what others have said.

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Anonymous said...

Words that shred hearts. OUCH. Have received plenty...and have given more than a few, too. AWFUL. Thanks for a good post, Pamela. PS You have a bunch of lovely girls. God bless you all...
Sheila at Longings End

Sharon said...

Unfortunately, I think gossip is a sinful downfall for women much more than men. And the enemy knows it. I have found that one thing we need to guard against is the temptation to "couch" our gossip in the form of a prayer request. Like, "We need to pray for so-and-so. Did you hear that..."

May our words be focused on what is true, noble, and encouraging. May the Holy Spirit give us the discernment and the strength to be quiet sometimes!!


Denise said...

Amen, so true.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Pamela, thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm happy to meet you. The "book" you saw under my teacup in my post is actually a box cleverly disguised as a book and holds stationery! I see we share a love of books and writing, and, of course, our faith in Christ. I am now following your blog. Blessings, Deborah

Patty Sumner said...

Oh Pamela, I am so glad you came over to visit with me.. What a great truth you have shared..As the old saying goes, "If you can't say something good...don't say anything." My theme this year is to "speak Life". I want to speak words of encouragement, kindness and also Truth(Bible/Word). I am following along with you.. I hope you are following along with me.. I get so excited to find other Sisters in Christ.. Blessings!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Gossip seems to be a theme about the web right now. We certainly must be careful. Thank you for bringing our attention to this.
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Rebecca said...

A serious subject well addressed! ♥

Unknown said...

There is so much wisdom here. I'd add to the first pic (but what is actually covered by the 2nd one), even the things we see don't always need repeating or spreading.

You are doing such a great job with this series, Pamela!

JES said...

Another great reminder Pamela! And the quote you shared with the last line "why am I telling it?" gave me the goosebumps... What are our motives when we share gossip? The end result certainly is not "good"! I want to be a Phillipians 4 thinker! Thanks for the encouragement and for sharing these wise words on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!

Kelly said...

Great stuff here, Pamela! Gossip has delivered one of the most devastating trials our family has faced to date. It's awful stuff, and I've certainly been challenged to follow God's boundaries for the use of my tongue since then. Kudos to you for tackling the topic!

Kelly-Anne said...

This is so true ~ Thank you for sharing Pamela! Have a blessed day, Kelly

Esther Asbury said...

So true -- thank you for this timely reminder!