Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ballets of the Mind

A friend is one who joyfully sings with you when you are on the mountaintop and silently walks with you through the valley. ~William Ward

My mind is dancing. Honestly, I can feel the twirls, pirouettes and battlements. Stretching up, down, and the constant movement of joining moves and changing positions. While I'm thankful for the softness of the ballet slippers -- I guess it could be tap dancing in there -- I wish I could get my mind to rest. 

The writer of Romans told us there are times we should rejoice with our friends, but follows up with the admonition to cry with them, too. I like the rejoicing part, but this has been a week of heart tears.

Yesterday I had a friend sobbing on my shoulder after a frightening altercation with a family member. Another friend lost her granddaughter and two great granddaughters in a car accident. One of my dearest friends lost valuable ministry possessions in a burglary and another lost her vehicle in an accident. A friend was hurt by a continuance of hateful words and a 9-year-old was diagnosed with diabetes. 

Up, down, the dance continued, hand in hand with the nagging headache that been hiding in the shadows for nearly two weeks. Then the words Joseph Scriven wrote in the 1800s came to me.

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! 
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! 
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, 
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Scriven was engaged to be married when his fiance died in a drowning accident. Then he fell in love the second time, but again his heart was shattered when his fiance fell ill and died before their wedding. During this time his mother was dying.  Joseph wrote the words to "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" to comfort her. 

I'm sure he didn't know that over 100 years later they would remind me I didn't need to carry my friends' burdens alone. I have a Friend who will carry them for me -- and not just carry burdens, but restore my peace!  

In the restoration I find blessings -- the kinds which give me a chance to rejoice with friends:

The "no radiation needed" report
A new kitchen
A Nana's week of cuddling
An answer to a family prayer
Provision for a trip to Africa
A new college with needed career track

The ballerina dances on; the headaches' applause is still evident. I still hurt for my friends, but I'm not forfeiting my peace. I'm honored to help bear burdens for my friends, but blessed to have a Friend in Jesus.


Marilyn said...

Thanks Pam for this touching post!
We certainly do have a friend in Jesus, and One who shares our burdens.
God Bless you in your Ministry
to Others,

Unknown said...

It is so true that life can be so difficult and filled with suffering. What a true comfort to know we have a friend that will never leave or forsake us. Wonderful post!

Annesphamily said...

Life is truly difficult. I have had so many similar sad situations with friends and phamily too. I am offering up prayer for these families you talk of and hope they will come to rely on the Lord Jesus during life's difficult times. I always appreciate your kind words and wonderful sentiments. I truly love the words "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" and did not know the writers own personal heartaches. Thank you for sharing. I ask for prayer to. Many I know are suffering including my co worker Jessica. Her cousin lost their two year old son in a tragic accident where the boy ran from the car into a store and was hit by a driver coming through the parking lot. Tragedy for not one but two families. My youngest daughter who drives a little tiny Hyundai rear ended a Land rover. The kids dad came on the scene wrecking havoc and frightening our daughter. Now they are suing for damages and injuries! Her air bag did not even deploy. Life is full of dishonest, hateful people. I ask that you pray that the armor of God covers Hannah during this troubling time in our lives. Many other requests I have and I am thinking of sharing them tomorrow on my blog. I am grateful to know Jesus. No matter what I know He has carried me through many troubled times. Blessings to you today Pamela.

Rebecca said...

♪"He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater; He sendeth more strength when the labors increase...."♪

It DOES seem the stresses are increasing. Don't know whether that is because we are all "running" more, if we have more ways of hearing about other people's challenges, or if they just simply ARE truly increasing.

Your friends are blessed to have in you a praying heart, serving hands, and listening ears.

Reformed rebel said...

Pam ~ You have touched my heart today. Thank you for sharing this.
Many blessings to you today...Chelle

Beth said...

A beautiful post.

momstheword said...

Beautiful post! I had no idea the background to that song, though I've sung it many times in my life.

I, too, have walked with friends through the death of a husband and daughter in same automobile accident, death of a parent or spouse, divorce, infidelity, teenage rebellion, depression, murder of a loved one.....

It's hard not to take those burdens on yourself and not feel burdened down by them.

But as you say, we have a Burden Bearer and a wonderful Friend!

I would love for you to link this up to my "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party!

You can link it up tomorrow afternoon or Monday if you care to join us!

Lisa notes... said...

Glad you are not forfeiting your peace. We can still mourn with those who mourn, yet still be undergirded with the shalom of the Father. Blessings to you for standing with the hurting even in your own pain.

Denise said...

Heart touching.

Stephanie said...

My dear Pamela, this was truly heart-touching. My precious grandmother passed away one week ago and these words were like music to my heart and soul :) Thank you!


sharon said...

A touching post Pamela, I also didn't know the background to that song, one of my favourite oldies. At times like you are experiencing I like to picture my self being carried by Jesus and looking behind me along the beach and seeing only one set of footsteps.

Esther Asbury said...

You're a wonderful, caring friend -- I'm sure it brings comfort to those you posted about just knowing that you care and are praying for them! So thankful for the truth of the song you posted -- hoe many times I've had to carry burdens (mine and those of my friends) to the One who has the power to ease the pain, lift the load, and give grace for every valley! Thanks for this timely reminder today!

NanaDiana said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog today. It allowed me to find you back and I am your newest follower. That old hymn was always one of my very favorites. Blessigs- xo Diana

Kristi said...

I believe that we stand as witnesses for Christ when we are willing to mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those who stand in need in comfort. Of course, it is through His grace and mercy that peace can come.

Aritha V. said...

Thank you for writing this. Though I live so far away I feel connected to you. Through all the trouble and worry, we'll find comfort in our common Friend Jesus Christ. That song I sing often in Dutch. And I've also heard singing it in Russian. This is a song that is sung world wide and it's comforting me we may carry everything to God in prayer. xxx

Denise said...

This is so beautifully written Pamela; blessings and prayers for your dear friends and family. You are indeed a wonderful blessing to them! :)

Have a wonderful week filled with His amazing grace!

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing your heart, dancing mind and moving thoughts in your beautiful post, Pamela! Life can be so hard and sad, but it's wonderful to remember what a friend we have in Jesus and hold on to that peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

It is such a great hymn. I need to pull out my hymnal and read those lyrics again.

Valorie Quesenberry said...

Wonderful article, Pam, reminding me to let my heart respond to the joys and sorrows of others and take all the difficulties to Jesus, my friend.

RicKaren said...

You've described life so well in this post. Thankful for a friend who is there in all the ups and downs.

Jan Christiansen said...

Beautifully put, Pamela. What a great reminder to encourage others through the rough times in their lives, but not to let those burdens destroy our own peace. As we turn them over to Jesus, we can dance through life. Putting my dancing shoes on. (Not ballet slippers - they're my boogie shoes.)


Anonymous said...

wow. what a week. WHat a friend we have in Jesus.

Michell Pulliam said...

Wow and what a friend you are Pamela! So sorry to hear about the tragedies of your friends. Yes, what a Friend we have in Him!! Through it all...He is our Constant! Thanks so much for sharing this beautifully written post with us...may you have a blessed week!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

the old hymns are the best and bring such comfort. days are dark but Jesus says He'll never leave us nor forsake us; we can trust in Him.

Lynda said...

What heart-wrenching burdens to share. Like you, I praise God for Jesus! Thanks for the info behind the hymn. As great as the words are to sing and hear, they mean even more with the reason for it being written.

Susan Marlene said...

Wonderful post. I also didn't know the history of that song. How very powerful to trust God in ALL situations. Oh for sure your post is very encouraging! :)

Cathy said...

That is beautiful, Dear, and the pictures are so pretty. Thank you for your sweet visit. Blessings ~

momstheword said...

Oh I am so pleased that you were able to link this up today. What a blessing it will be to others!

Your post came to my mind today when I was puttering around the house and singing "How Great Thou Art" today, and I wondered if my husband knew the background to this song.

He said he didn't know if he'd heard the story but if he had he didn't remember it, so I shared it again!

Thanks so much for linking up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :)

Denise said...

Bless you for ordering from Cynthia to help me, love and appreciate you very much.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Wow!!! this is a powerful post. No matter what....'what a friend we have in Him.' That's what I feel...and am so grateful He's always our corner....through the good, the bad, the fun and not so fun. Have a great week Pamela....

Lisa Dreamchild said...

isn't it wonderful when we realize that our burdens are much lighter with Jesus by our side. I believe that when we share a friend or family member's burden that is Jesus in us...If we try to do it by our own strength we will become dragged down and lose our own peace..All we have to do is call on Him on behalf of our loved one. He gives a comfort like no other can...and that will happen for them with or without us, but how rewarding it is to have friends like you to share both griefs and joys!
~God bless~

Unknown said...

There is never a time when we'll not experience stress these days. We're all experiencing it in ways more horrible than any generation before us. Still, when my stress level gets to high, when I become aware of how fast my heart is racing, how sweaty my palms, how badly my head utterly fatigued I am I sit down and talk to the Lord. What A Friend We Have In Jesus is one of my favorites hymns. It's not hard to understand why, is it? The words speak for themselves. Your friends are blessed to have you in their lives.

Courtney said...

What a good friend you are! And yes, what a tremendous blessing to have a friend in Jesus. That hymn was one of my grandfather's favorites. I can remember him signing it around the house, and I often think of it when I am down. Hugs to you.

Judith said...

Thank you for sharing this post. I saw it this morning and saved it to read later (like now) and found it to be just what I needed.

Jen said...

I have a friend who is going through the valley right now & I so needed to read this post! Reminds me that a friend doesn't always have to answers...all she has to do is stand by her, love, without necessarily speaking a word.


Oh Jesus is my friend..the best ever!! I think of Him everyday, when things are raugh, happy, hard, sweet and sad! I'm at my lowest point, but Sweet Jesus is giving me a hand! Thank you for sharing this lovely and sentimental post. I needed it! Thank you for visiting me, I so love it! Have a blessed week, sweet friend.

Unknown said...

"I still hurt for my friends, but I'm not forfeiting my peace." I think I need to learn how to do this.

Christy @ A Heartening Life