Don't fight with the pillow, but lay down your head
And kick every worriment out of the bed.
Edmund Vance Cooke
RB was teaching an online class, but I won't tell you how many times I found him, computer on lap, fast asleep. He usually doesn't vacation well, so seeing him rest made me happy.
There have been times in my life that sleep evaded me. Many times I would stare at the ceiling for hours before falling asleep, only to wake with a migraine. I'm thankful that doesn't happen very often anymore. My secret to falling asleep is two-fold. First of all, I am obedient to Philippians 4:8.
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
The other verse I quote is Psalm 4:8: I will lay down in peace and sleep. Add a heating pad to those two verses and I will usually sleep.
My doctor wants me to get ten hours of sleep each night. Like that will ever happen! I do adopt Thomas Hood's words,
O bed! O bed! delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head.
Last week I made my grandkids pillowcases. They were a big hit. Ethan smelled his and said, "It smells just like your house." He assured me it was a good thing!
Making pillowcases is an easy project. There are hundreds of tutorials online, but this is one on Dana Made It. I don't have a serger so I made French seams on mine. If you don't have children to sew for, consider making a few for Craft Hope's ConKerr Cancer project. It's a beautiful sheltering project.
We are healing hearts. Spreading love and hope. Sharing joy. Absolutely priceless. Your hands alone are touching lives through your beautifully handmade donations.
When it comes to sheltering, there's such variety. The way I shelter may not be your choice. We are, however, commanded to shelter others.

Make sure you don't take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of "sacrifice"—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.
I hope you all can find some restful sleep this week -- sleep that gives you energy to shelter. Bake some cookies, sew a pillowcase or offer a hug. Be creative and share with me your sheltering plan. Nothing brings me more joy than reading sheltering reports and ideas.
Generous hands are blessed hands.
Proverbs 22:9
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What a wonderful time you had! And such a good reminder to REST. I've ran across a few blog posts on this topic all ready. I love how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through Spiritual Sunday. The Lord knows just want we need to hear.
I need to sleep more,too. I have to get up at 4:15 a.m. every morning to commute to work; as many know my husband has Stage IV cancer. So it is exhausting.
Thank you for sharing this!
Hello Pamela.
very nice to meet you here in blogland. So happy you paid me a visit and was happy to come and check out your lovely blog. what a Special and wonderful thing that you, your daughter and grandaughter share a blog. I see that you have been thru some very deep waters, I am only too sorry to hear about your precious Sarah, but I am so happy to know you know the one and Only who has brought healing to your grieving soul. We have friends that are coming to visit next week, and they lost a 19 yr. old in a motorcycle accident many
many years ago, but they still grieve every year on the date. They are up in their 70's, and
a Pastor and wife, lovely folks,
with 2 other wonderful sons, and many grandchildren. They have stuck close to their Lord, and they have done very well, but they still grieve, and say that you are never quite the same, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The Lord
has used them to help quite a number of people who have lost children.
Again I am so sorry for your loss,
and look forward to visiting with you again,
Blessings, Nellie
Hi Pamela...glad you got the rest you needed. And you're so right about finding peace and rest in HIm.....As for me....I don't know how to bake or sew but I can give good hugs. ☺ Have a great rest of the weekend.
I'm thankful for His sheltering arms - and for the arms of others, which are an extension of Him! Psalm 4:8 has been a special verse for me for a long time.
I have always enjoyed sending cards - sometimes making them - to those who need a cheerful word. Before recent illnesses, my husband and I volunteered at a veteran's hospital. That was such a blessing.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Come again!
Don't know why but some times I get insomnia. I'm not worried or stressed about anything and I don't drink or eat things with caffeine. Can't imagine getting ten hours of sleep. My dog won' let me! But it sounds divine! Sounds like a wonderful visit.
I LOVED Ethan's verdict about the smell of the pillowcases!
Glad the two of you could get away and relax. We had a little getaway ourselves at the beginning of the week.
What a lovely blog you have and thanks for stopping by mine. Love the pillow cases and home is definitely where the heart is, isn't it?
Hi Pamela! Do those pillowcases match their pj's? You are the best. Glad you guys had a nice time with your parents.
I'll check out the websites that you have highlighted here today. I like the project for charity idea a lot.
Want you to know that I have been thinking about you and "sheltering" in the aftermath of the death of our grandson's father. We are all building an even more protective circle around our boy, and sheltering him from all sides. I might not have thought of it in those terms before, but am so happy that we came across each other.
Thanks so much for your visit today.
Kathy M.
Hello, Pamela, and your recipe for rest is the perfect one! I enjoyed reading about your trip and your family experiences. I love that your grandson said his pillowcase smelled like your house! Our grandchildren are such a blessing from God, aren't they? Have a restful Sunday, my friend~Vicki
I've had a few hours of sleepless lately...I chalk it up to my "special" age, lol, but your advice is perfect! When I lie away, my mind wants to go to all the troubles of the day and how to fix them. But, when I consciously stop doing that and only think of what is good, and right and holy, my mind relaxes and I fall asleep! Thanks for the confirmation! Also, I've been seriously thinking about getting a sewing machine again. When my kids were little, I used to sew all the time. But, I haven't done that in years! Seeing your adorable pillow cases are just the push I needed to get out there and get a new machine!
Blessings, Pamela! Joan re-reading my comment to you above, I don't think I was awake yet! So sorry about the type-os! Hopefully you know what I was meaning..."sleeplessNESS" , "awaKE"! Ahhhh! Maybe I need a few more "zzzzzzzz"!!
Blessings, Joan
Pamela, glad you received some much needed rest. Blessings.
Pamela, I so related to this one. I have also battled with bouts of insomnia. And I also struggle with headaches. I love the verses you chose for comfort. The one from Psalms is one that I often quote - in the middle of those dark wee hours of the night.
I used to get panicked when I couldn't sleep. Now, more often than not, I choose to be like Samuel - ie, the Lord must have me awake for some reason, so I say to Him, "Lord, here I am!"
(p.s. Adorable pillowcases!)
My solution when I can't sleep - wake up my husband and have him pray over me, then usually I'm asleep within minutes! I thank God for a man who loves to shelter me!
Oh I appreciated all those good tips on sleeping. Perhaps I'd do equally well with an ice bag as a heating pad, but why not?!
Pamela, Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leave such kind comments. You are an inspiration here in blogland; I appreciate your example of being a humble servant and always busy creating lovely things. I'm off to check out the pillow case link you shared. Blessings upon you! ~Lisa
Your grandkids keep you busy with projects. Isn't it fun! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on sleeping and rest. Sleepness nights used to plague me also, but God has been faithful to teach me to let go of the worrisome thoughts and focus on verses that comfort and caress me. His promises never fail.
In my zzzzzzzzzzzzzsheltering, I find concentrating on a name for God that starts with each letter of the alphabet very helpful. I also, tuck my 'silly sock' around my neck or over my face. It's a sock filled with rice that I can heat up in the microwave. Ahhh...
I loved the first quote you used. :)
nice post thanks for sharing...blessings...
Now that my grandmother is gone, anything that still smells like her house brings me such enormous pleasure.
Sounds like a lovely, calm weekend. How sweet those short verses by Hood! Thank you for sharing these helpful thoughts on sleep. It is timely for me, as I've lost sleep over the past week because of a hard letter I received. And, love the pillow idea. :)
Your vacation sounds so delightful, and the cheesecake looks heavenly. Love the pillowcases and your grandkids will remember them in years to come and it will bring back wonderful memories of you and your love for them. I'm glad you shared this with us.
Hi Pamela,
Glad you had a mini vacation. Thanks for the link to the pillowcase tutorial, such a good cause. We have a local drop off for Conkerr Cancer pillowcases. I think I'll give it a try, I love to sew. Your grandkids really seem to be enjoying their new pillowcases.
As for sheltering...I like to give through my digital art, sewing, blessings journals, each person is unique so whatever I can do that I know will perk up a friend, I try to do it. Thanks for sharing this post and all the other encouraging posts you share. ~ Abby
I am so ready for my comfy bed tonight.
Glad you got a little vacation and time to relax and have fun! Your grandkids must be some of the world's most loved -- thanks to you!
I loved making those pillow cases for my children when they were young. How fun for you!
Since I've been "plagued" with insomnia, I learned how to appreciate & be grateful for a full night's sleep! I even had a bout of sleeplessness until the wee hours of the early mornings, and how horrible that was! Thanks for sharing these wonderful crafts & your thoughts on wonderful sleep & rest. Sleep certainly is a gift from God. Be blessed always!
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